chapter 5

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Bells pov

The dust settled down. I could hear sea and death cough. Walked out threw one hole and shot an arrow to scare them. They got up, an got ready to fight. I laughed. And soon a black aurora rose up. When it dissapeared my hair was black and red. My eyes turned blood black. They looked at me. "Wow she is so gonna lose at this game"said sea

I chucked evilly "so this is a game!"

I clutched my hands and soon the sky turned a blood red. And a fire wall surrounded us. I laughed evilly as my hair turned red and black. My eyes turned black. My teeth soon became sharp like fangs. "Uhhhh"said death

Sea got up and used her water against my fire. Only to fail. "What the heck!?!?"yelled sea

"Nice one. Now its my turn!"I yelled

I created a fire ball and threw it at her. Death used his wind power, but he only helped my flames grow bigger and stronger. "Don't help her!"yelled sea

"I am not trying to!"yelled death

"Idiot! Haven't you learned that wind helps fire grow bigger and stronger!"I yelled

Death growled and tried to help sea up. "Oh no you don't!"I yelled

I jerked up my hand to create a fire wall. Sea screamed in fear. "Bells stop!"

I turned around to see golden and storm. The wind death was creating made everyone's hair fly along with it. I ignored her and went back to trying to fight these two. Which I was clearly winning. "Storm what do we do!?!"yelled golden

"What can we do!"yelled storm

I clutched my hands and the fire burned more. Sea and death started to sweat. Soon I felt the ground. My eyes closed at the impact. And everything went back to normal. I was back to normal and the flames stopped. I heard a scream of pain. A guy scream of pain. But I hit the ground hard and everything was a struggle. A struggle to breath. A struggle to see. A struggle to feel. A struggle to hear. Before I knew it. The world closed in and everything went black.

Mints pov

I screamed in pain. The pain was like no other.

Flash back

I saw bell and I saw death and sea. Everything was getting really bad. Golden looked at me and saw my eyes. She quickly cured it. The flames grew bigger and more hotter. I had to stop bell. I ran and I felt golden trying to grab my arm to stop me. But I out ran her grasp. I jumped and took bell down with me. Thats when her flames hit me and it burned. She hit the floor first before me.

End of flash back

The pain was killing me. Everyone ran to me. That when droplet came in and used her water powers on me to cool down the burns. Then snow flake used her ice power to ice the water and she then smashed it. The burn stop. I felt so relived. I looked over to bell. She was laying on the floor. I ran to her and I picked her up. She looked so peaceful. So gentle. Her face showed signs of inoccence. And signs of hurt and fear. Her hair was such a vivid red. And her lips looked so soft. I ran a hand threw her hair and it was so smooth. Golden walked up. "Is she okay? You hurt her!"she yelled

"Be glad I stopped her before she burned us all"i said

"He has a point"said storm

"Ugh let me kill her!"yelled sea

"Don't get near her!"I snapped

Bell was in my arms and I jerked her out of reach of sea and death. Death ran to me. I lifted up my leg and slammed it down. The earth shook and cracked before everyone's eyes. It split me and bell away from death and sea. "Don't push me"I snarled

Death backed up. I looked at bell and smiled. She was so cute. I offered to take her to the nurses. The teacher let me. I walked down the halls and then I stopped. Why go to the nurses when I can heal her using my earth power. I walked down the halls that lead to the door. I kicked the door opened and walked away from school.

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