chapter 12

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Bells pov

I opened my eyes to see nothing but blur. I groaned in pain and then I realized I was strapped down. I tried breaking free but I failed. I heard laughter and then sea, death!?!?! "Mint what's going on?" I asked

Mint walked up and kisses me then walked back with death and sea. "Oh its just a little something. You know I always had a thing for fire chicks but something about you just made you stand out" said mint

I realized what he meant. I sighed and felt tears coming. "You only wanted me for my flames huh?" I said dissapointed

"Wow you really are smart. You really think I could like a girl like you? Your nothing but harsh and cruel"said mint

I looked away. Mint walked up to me and made me face him. "Now don't be sad. This will only hurt a lot"said mint

My eyes went open as death rose up a needle. I tried escaping but no use. Then I heard a crash. Everyone turned to see bella. "Hey what did I miss?"she asked as she flipped her black hair

"Ugh why dose she have to be so annoying!"snapped mint

"Oh cool it mint. And to think you loved her. Your such a one messes with my friend bell with out having the princess of darkness coming and butting you in the butt!"snapped bella

Death growled and attacked bella. Bella turned into a shadow and he just went threw. "Is that the best you can do? Ha! I have seen mice stronger than you!"said bella

Bella started fighting with them. I heard a crash from behind to see stratosphere. I smiled and he walked over. He freed me and he snack me out. After 5 minutes bella catched up. I felt depressed. Stratosphere hugged me. I cried. "He wasn't worth it bell"said stratosphere

"I guess that kiss meant nothing to him. I guess I meant nothing to him. Everyone! Everyone just wants me because of my flames! Its never about me! Its always about my flames!"I said as I cried into stratosphere lab coat

We walked home

Someone's pov

I got up and changed back. "Ugh they had to ruin everything!"yelled death

"Hey I was disguised as mint. Bell won't dare get near him. Mint will back off and not worry. He was the only real obsiticale here. Now that bell thinks that mint soy wanted her for her flames. We can kill both bell and mint" I said

"Good going boss"said sea

"Thank you" I said

The next day

Bells pov

I walked to my locker. I felt arms around me. I recomized that colon. I jerked out of the grip. I turned to see mint. "Stop touching me"I snapped

"Whoa. Bell I was just hugging you. Besides I was worried. Yesterday I was trying to look for you but I couldn't find you"said mint

"Yeah sure. I think bella knocked you pretty good. Get away from me"I snapped

"Wait bell. Why are you acting like this?"asked mint

"Don't play stupid mint! You only wanted me for my flames! I thought you actually liked me for me. Not for being the princess of the fire nation AMD daughter of the dragon!" I snapped

I walked away.

Mints pov

I was confused. Why was bell acting like that? I ran after her. "Bell please. I don't know what I did wrong. Bell please. Yesterday I was out looking for you"I said

"No you weren't! You and death and sea were planning on tacking my flames away! But then bella and stratosphere saved me!"yelled bell

"Bell I did no such thing. Are you okay?" I asked

Death and sea came. "Hey boss. Oh look i see you found bell again. Shall we?"said death

Bell growled and slapped me "we are threw! You three better watch out! Next time you guys come near me I will kill you!"

Bell ran away. "Bell!" I yelled

I turned around and growled at death and sea. I threw death to a locker and pinned him. "What did you do to her!"I growled

"Nothing master" chuckled death

I growled "I will find out and you two will pay"

I walked away

Bellas pov

I walked to class and saw mint. He looked upset. I growled and walked to him. I yelled at him for yesterday. He just sighed. "Bella please. Look I love bell. What happened yesterday? Yesterday I was looking for bell. But she is accusing me of hurting her"said mint

"Because you did!"I snapped

Golden came along with others from team rise. "Mint did you found her yesterday?" asked elements

"No. Please tell bella that I was helping with the search for bell" said mint

"He was with us yesterday"said midnight

"Yeah. He was worried sick. Like no one could calm him down"said aurora

"Wait if you were with them. Who was with be yesterday?" I asked

Everyone eyes went wide. We all knew who it was

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