chapter 3

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Bells pov

I woke up to the earth shaking. I ran to my window and saw a volcano was about to erupt. I got dressed quickly, then I ran outside. I used my power to calm it down. I managed to calm it down just in time. It was still night time. The lava was the only bright thing that gave off light. I sat down and I looked up at the nighttime sky. I sighed and remembered the thought that I had no one. I felt lonely. I wished I had some one here. Like my sisters. But non of them could survive here. And I didn't want to live with others due to how unstable I am. In my world I was an outcast. The earth shacked again and boom. I looked to the volcano and it spilled out lava. It looked like fireworks to me. I smiled, remembering my parents. I stood up and walked to the volcano. I came to it. I was hit by some lava. To me it was like getting hit by water. I cuffed my hands together and grabbed some of the lava. It leaked out threw some cracks. But I managed to keep enough in my hands. I threw it up to the air. It flew into the air but then fell down like rain. I smiled and then got down. I walked to the exist of my heat world. I moved the curtain of dead leaves to the side. I walked out and finally hit the forest. I looked up to see the start night and the moon. I walked threw the forest and then I heard something. Something in the bushes. I got ready to attack. I walked to the bushes and opened it to find a bunny. I sighed in relief. I picked it up. I smiled at it and the bunny wiggled its nose. "Oh my goodness you found him!"

I looked up to see fluttershy. She stopped running and backed up. "Here's your bunny"I said gently

I guess that helped her relax a bit. She walked up to me and I handed her, her bunny. She took her bunny and held it close. "T-thank you"said fluttershy shyly

"No problem. What are you doing here so late at night?"I asked

"Angel here ran away. And he always comes to the forest so I came"she replied

"Well do you know your way out?"I asked

That's then she looked around and nervously giggled. "No i don't"she said

I playfully rolled my eyes and I grabbed her arm. I ran and she was forced to run. "S-slow down! Please!"said fluttershy

"Come on fluttershy!"I said

We both ran threw the forest and out we came. She panted when we were out. "T-thanks. Well that was a work out"said fluttershy with a giggle

"No problem and yeah"I said

She waved goodbye and left. I went the other way back into the forest. I decided to explore it a little more. So I did. I was deep into the forest and when I looked up I saw leaves flying up in the sky. I ran to them. And soon came across a space. There I saw mint and another girl. He jerked his hands and the earth moved causing the girl to slip. She seemed angry. She jerked her hands up and the wind picked up. Mint tried to stay on his feet but was soon thrown to the ground because of the wind. He put his hand out and a vine appeared. It tied around the girl leg and it made her fall on her back when mint pulled on it. I just looked. I don't think they notice me. Then I felt something on my back. I looked and saw it a person. And they were holding a stick to my back. I laughed. And soon mint and the girl looked at me. I stopped laughing. The person turned out to be a guy. He threw me far enough to land right infront of the girl. The guy came out and you could see he was from the water nation. "Well well well"said the girl

"Bell!"said mint

I looked up and the girl smirked. "This will be interesting now that we have the princess"said the girl

I stood up and got ready to fight. Mint grabbed my arm and jerked me behind him. "Well you look at the time. Its really late. Guess we will have to finish this fight tomorrow"said mint

"Why? You don't want your girlfriend to get hurt"said the girl

"Your both weak"said the guy

I went infront of mint. He tried pulling me back but failed. "Listen here. I am more tougher than you two combined!" I snapped

"Prove it" said both of the with a smirk

I smirked and my hands went on fire. Mint closed his eyes. "Oh no bell"he said

The three of us started fighting. Mint didn't know what to do. Till the end. He used 6 vines to tie up the tie them up. "Okay well nice seeing you guys, so now lets go now bell!"said mint with a little growl

He dragged me away until we were far away. "What are you doing here!"snapped mint

"Whoa. Well I live in these woods. What are you doing here? In the middle of the night? With a girl?!"I said trying to turn the tables on him

"Your making it sound like I am doing something bad. Look even if the war is over some of us aren't at peace. She called me out, I agreed to fight her here"said mint

"Who was the other guy?"I asked

"How am I suppose to know?" he said

I rolled my eyes and I walked away. Mint sighed and walked the other way

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