chapter 10

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Bells pov

I woke up and got ready once more. I walked out of the forest and then I saw mint. We went to sugar cube corner and got some drinks. We walked to school and went with the day. After school finished we all when to goldens house. There we got bored so easily. So then we decided to play spin the bottle. I wasn't so sure but I went with it. "Bell you spin"said golden

I hesitated to spin it. Like it could land on so many others. Since it was more then me and golden and storm and mint. There was others. Then after like 4 minutes I gave in. Because if I didn't then I would have people and by people i mean golden pushing me. And I really didn't want to start so I spanned the bottle. Now it was twirling on the floor. I covered my eyes and then I heard everyone said a ohhh sound. I peeked and saw golden smirking. I looked at the bottle and to who it was pointing at. I blushed a dark red color. I could feel my cheeks burning up. "Bell calm down! Your hair is slowly burning up" said storm with a chuckle

I blushed even more. "Hurry up bell"said harmony

I took a deep breath before looking at the guy I had to kiss. And that guy was mint. He looked at me. He was also blushing. Ah f***k. I have to kiss him. My first kiss had to be him!? I was hoping for like someone else. Like someone else. Someone who wasn't him. Ugh this is gonna be gross. Ewwww. Nah I can't do this. I hesitated once more. I looked away. Ugh this is so omg. I then felt hand on my sides. I turned just to see mints face was close to mine. Darn. I was gonna run out. Now I can't. Ugh. His face was close! Like super close! I then settled into his grip and wrap my arms around his neck. I closed my eyes and leaned in. I could feel everyone staring. This was awkward. Kissing a guy who isn't really my close friend. Wow. I thought we were gonna be pals. I was not expecting this. Anyways, we both leaned in which was not that far since we were close. Then I felt his lips on mine.

Mints pov

I think bell was shy. So I just took the lead. I felt her soft lips on mine. I brought her closer to me. I was planning to take advantage of this moment. Well not that much. Okay I just made this sound really weird. I could hear everyone whispering and saying stuff. Bell brought me deeper into the kiss. And then even deeper till she was pulling me down. I couldn't stay sitting up. We both fell down and I was onto of her. "Ewww get a room you two!"yelled stratosphere as he laughed

Me and bell pulled away. I gave her one quick peck before I got off of her. Everyone was smirking. I felt a little well no not a little. A lot embarrassed. Bell was blushing and she wouldn't make eye contact with me. She sat up and looked away. Golden looked at me and laughed. She then whispered to storm and storm whispered to stratosphere and it went around the room. Till midnight melody whispered to bell. Bell looked at me and her faced burned up with blush. Everyone started laughing. "What are you guys laughing at"I asked

Racer walked up and whispered to me what they were laughing at. I blushed and ran out. I tried calming down but that was more embarrassing than every. This was the second time! Ugh

Bells pov

Mint ran outside. I stood up and walked out. I saw him and I walked up to him. I took his arm and wrap it around me. I placed my head on his chest to let him know it was okay. Mint hugged me. I smiled and kept hugging him. He lifted up my head and kisses me. I kissed him back. Can it be i am actually falling for him? I don't care right now. Right now I am just in the moment with him

Someone's pov

I smirked as I saw the two love birds. I smirked as pulled out the piece of hair I had gotten when I saved bell. "Oh bell. Just wait for tomorrow. I will unleash my secret weapon and I will win"I said

Death and ocean walked up and smirked. "That's great master. We will be by your side"said death

"Perfect" I said

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