The Tea Party

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"We need to evacuate everyone now!" Vergil shouted over the voices in the room.

I nodded, "Alright everyone! Move quickly to the escape tunnel! Single file please!"

Vergil and I directed the humans to the tunnel, helping them down the small hole. His workers were all skinny and light, therefore making it easier to get them down quickly. The line was moving faster than I thought too.

"Vergil, where does this tunnel go?"

Vergil looked up from helping a woman down the ladder, "To a warehouse on the otherside of town. Beth and a couple of others know what to do from here."

I glanced at my watch. It had been five minutes since Tobias had sent his men after us. There was still many people waiting to go down the steps too.

I hissed a curse under my breath. We'd never get them down in time. They would be in danger.

"Hussle everyone! We're running out of time!"

Vergil and I picked up the pace, pushing the people down the hole. I was just helping a mid-pregnant woman down the hole when a blast sounded so loudly that the building shook. Vergil and I stared at eachother as the workers flew into a panic.

They're here...

"Go!" Vergil yelled, "They're here!"

The workers flew to obey. Vergil and I took off in the direction of the blast. I drew my cane sword as we ran into a group of SWAT members.

"HANDS IN THE AIR!" one shouted, and in seconds there were five guns trained on us.

A flash of white flew past my face, and static sword like things impaled the SWAT members. I glanced back at Vergil, who's hand was still outstretched from throwing the summoned swords.

The sounds of screaming men drew the attention of the other soldiers. But we were ready. I sliced through four in seconds, silently thanking years of video games for teaching me these skills.

Vergil battled off two more as footsteps rounded the corner. The men opened fired, and I felt the impact of the projectiles. They never pierced skin.

Rubber Bullets.

I yelped as they blasted against me, knocking me to the ground. They hurt! The men raced forwards, pelting Vergil, who went down senseless.

I fought the many hands reaching out for me, kicking and biting. I managed to get to my feet, pulling away from the suprisingly strong humans.

The guns were inches from my head. My heart pounded. The men breathed heavily. This is it then...

"You're to be brought alive," the leader snarled. Then to another he snapped,  "Chain the man. He wants him too."

I felt the crushing impact of the butt of a gun contacting with the back of my skull. I tipped forwards into the dark abyss.


Jasmine stood before me. My unconscious relm was hazy and dank.

"You're in Danger, Cassi."

I groaned, "You think? I really need training or something. I suck at fighting."

Jasmine chuckled, "Surely you haven't thought Video Games would sufficiently teach you?"

"Well... kinda."

She sneered, "Back to the matter at hand. Tobias wanted you alive for questioning. He is relentless. Worse than his father. He will do ANYTHING to get what he wants. You must resist."

I shivered. My last torture experience was NOT fun.

"The fate of mankind rests on your shoulders."


"Wakey wakey my darling flower."

My eyes opened slightly to reveal the smiling face of Tobias. I flinched back, a movement I instantly regretted. Pain lanced through my skull, thrumming a drum beat parallel to my heart beat.

"Ah there you are. How did you sleep?"

I snarled, "Horribly. I'm strapped to a chair for God's sake."

Tobias chuckled as I strained against my silver bonds, "Now now. Don't fret. I'll get you something to drink."

I struggled madly as he disappeared from the dark room. The bonds held tightly, and they dug into my wrists.

The room was plain and grey. The walls were old like that of a castle. There was a single table, and two chairs. A bare light bulb hung from a cord right above the middle of the table.

Tobias reentered,  carrying a bottle of water and two mugs.

"Care for some tea?" he asked with a grin.

"No, "I spat, "I hate tea."

He sat and smiled, "I love it. Unchain her wrists, will you?"

Two men in masks I had not seen in the dark stepped forwards, releasing the silver cuffs from around my wrists. I was free from my bonds, but I was not stupid enough to run. I'd die.

"Now," Tobias started,  taking a sip of tea and templed his fingers, "Let's get down to the matter at hand."

"Water, Tobias? I'm a vampire. I don't drink water."

Tobias snapped his fingers, and in an instant one of the men stepped forward. A tea mug was emptied, and the man cut his wrist, filling the mug with his rich young blood.

Tobias motioned to the cup, "Drink."

I sipped the mug, which tasted weird, while staring at Tobias' s eerie red eyes. Why were they red? He was no Vampire. He was a Demon God. It didn't make any sense.

"Why are your eyes red?"

He sighed, "My mother was a vampire. But luckily I inherited my father's trait. The Demon King. Now, let's talk business."

I listened openly as he began, "You have something that I want. It is what will keep the Hell Gate permantly open." he pointed to the amulet I wore around my neck.

"So that's why Mundus wanted it, " I mumbled.

"And," Tobias sneered, "I intend to take it."


The necklace was ripped forcefully from my neck. I watched his eyes glow deeper as he stared at it in his hand. I lunged forward, jerking to a stop as the masked men grabbed me. I fought valiantly, but they were stronger than me. They forced me into the chair, re applying the silver bonds.

Tobias smiled, "Bring Vergil in. We have to decide which one to kill. I need a blood sacrafice."

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