The "Epic" Fight

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As I picked myself off the floor, I saw Dante dash towards Tobias, his sword Rebellion raised.

"Dante, No!" Vergil yelled. But it was too late. As Dante reached him, Tobias shot his hand out, back handing Dante.  Dante sprawled, his sword skittering away.

Vergil stood, pulling the Yamato from his sheath. He approached Tobias more gently than Dante's blaze of glory.

"Vergil," Tobias snarled, his voice Demonic, "Back down now, amd no one has to be hurt."

Vergil glared at him "Never!"

Tobias sneered,  "So be it."

Vergil took a step back as Tobias stood taller, flexing his huge muscles. Vergil sneered, his skin paling, his eyes darkening. A strange wind blew through the room, tussling his hair. He snickered deeply as he stood before Tobias in his full God form.

I knew this was going to get bad. I spun to the human workers, hissing at them angrily, "Go! Get out of here! Can't you see this is dangerous?!" They scurried from the room with Brook and Juliette leading them out.

I started on a run, heading for Dante's sword. I chanced a glimpse over my shoulder to see Vergil and Tobias on the floor, Vergil pinning him there with his knee as he buried his knuckles into Tobias' s nose. When I reached Dante's sword, Tobias managed to pull himself from Vergil's iron grip. The energy radiating from the two was enough to make me dizzy.

"Dante! Catch!"

He took his sword, racing towards Tobias. He poised his sword, ready to swing...

Just as Dante reached him, Tobias grabbed Vergil by the throat, throwing him. Vergil collided with Dante hard enough to knock him senseless. He returned to his normal state, laying motionless on the floor. Dante rolled, laying near him, completely dazed. Tobias chuckled deeply, stomping over to them.

"No!" I screamed, racing towards him. I launched myself into a flying tackle, barreling into his back. He let out a mighty roar as I clung to his thick skin. I sank my fangs into the flesh between his shoulder blades.

He twisted to pull me off, his grasp closing on the collar of my shirt. He threw me to the ground. I looked up to see his foot inches from my face as he stomped downwards. With a gasp, I rolled sideways, clambering to my feet.

He swung at me, and I jumped over his claws, grabbing his horns. I was so small compared to him. I slammed my feet into his collar bone, pushing away from him as he reached for me. He grabbed my ankle, stopping me in mid air.

With a cry, I was flung into the heavy metal table. I groaned as I crashed downwards, bending the table to shit. Tobias's claws latched around the front of my shirt, lifting me in the air. I clasped his fist in my two little hands, snarling at his glowing eyes.

"Puny Vampire, you are no match for me."

"Leave her alone!"

Tobias bellowed mightily,  throwing me carelessly like a rag doll. I crashed into the frame of the Hell Gate. Seconds later, the Yamato skittered next to me as Tobias back handed Vergil. I reached forwards, snatching the sword. Tobias was too strong to fight,  and if we kept fighting him while he was connected to the Hell Gate, we'd never make any progress.

I stood, praying for the strength of all the Gods, and thrust the blade towards the Gate.

Nothing happened.

I gawked at the sword. No....

It would only work if Vergil was wielding it. B'lyad! I would have to distract Tobias so Vergil could close the Gate.

"Vergil!" I called, sliding the Yamato to him. He picked it up, rushing towards me with the same thought I had.

I spotted Dante as he thrust his sword into Tobias's flesh with a fearsome war cry. I joined him, lauching myself upon Tobias's shoulders. I wrapped my legs around his left arm, burying my fangs into his fleshy neck. Once again, his foul blood met my tongue, sending shivers through my body.

He spun, swinging at Dante, and clawing at my back. I winced as my flesh ripped,  but I refused to release my grip on him. Instead, I ignored the pain and bit harder.

I felt a blast of energy, and the atmosphere around us turned an orangish red. The Hell Gate was shut!

Tobias realized this, and ripped me from his neck. I gripped his hand as he tried to throw me, hanging from his fingers. I released him to land safely on the floor. Dante and Vergil teamed up. Dante raced forwards, Ebony and Ivory blazing, and Vergil shot his electrifyingly cold Summoning Swords at him. Tobias backed up slightly, almost to the window.

I let out a cry, shooting forwards. I jumped, tackling him out of the window. With a cry, we plunged downwards. I rotated, keeping him below me as we came in contact with the ground. There was a loud crash, and we smashed into the blacktop, sending chunks flying. The force threw me from him, and I landed ten feet away.

I stood carefully, grabbing a long sharp rock. I raced forwards with it raised as he tried to sit up. I plunged it into his chest. He let out a demonic roar as it pinned him down.

I was inches from his face, staring into his eyes with pure hatred. He sneered up at me, "This.... this isn't over."

"Go back to Hell, asshole." I twisted the rock, ripping his chest apart. He snarled, sizzling to ash.

"Good riddance, " I growled and spat on the ash.

There was a cloud of smoke next to me, and Vergil and Dante appeared.

"Cassi! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Vergil." I replied as he inspected the huge bleeding gashes on the lower right side of my lower back.

Vergil embraced me as Dante slapped me on the shoulder, "That was quite a fall! A hundred stories!"

Vergil stared at the ash pile, "Is he... dead?"

I smiled up at him, "What? Can't believe your itty bitty vampire couldn't kill a big, bad demon? It was easy."

Dante smiled at us, "What now?"

Vergil shook his head, "I don't know... Let's head to the Order building. We can discuss it there."

Whew, there we go. Took longer than I thought. I'm afraid there will be fewer chapters in this one; substantially less than my first book, which had 40 chapters in it.

How the hell did I write that many?

Anywhoo, I grieve to say that there are very few chapters left. I really enjoy writing this story. This is a story that I had in my head for a bit. It feels nice to be able to write this successfully.

This (including my first book) is the first story I have ever written and actually published, and you can tell that I have improved in my writing skills in this one. Thanks for putting up with it!

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