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I backed up shakily.

"B-Brook, " I whispered, "We need to-"

She pushed past me, "I got this."

I grasped her arm, but she pulled it out of my hands. I bit my lip as she opened the door, revealing five men dressed in suits.

Brook smiled, "How can I help you, gentlemen?"

One of them held up a badge, "Special Agent Rox Wilson, CIA. We are here for you, Brook, and a Cassi Williams."

She scratched her head, as if thinking really hard, "Never heard those names before in my life."

The man scoffed, "Ha. Come quietly, Brook. Make this easy. And bring Cassi with you."

Brook shook her head, "Nah man. I'm not letting you take me."

I watched her bend down slightly, and growl escaping her lips. Her body rippled and expanded grotesquely, he size and muscle mass doubling. Her pale skin was replaced by dark brown fur. Her nails replaced by claws. I had seen this before. The CIA agents backed up, staring in horror.

"Fuck this, man, "One of the men exclaimed, "this is NOT what I signed up for!"

They whipped pistols out, aiming at her with shaking hands. She slashed out with a giant hand, knocking them back. Her large teeth sank into the nearest man, ripping him to shreds. Blood splattered the walls and front door. The man's painful screams rang in my ears, heightening my senses. The smell of blood was Devine.

It was... tempting.

I found my fangs sharpening, my claws lengthening,  and my eyes changing color. I couldn't hold back.

I shot forward, tackling one man to the ground, and buried my fangs deep into his neck. He screamed, flailing against me. It had been too long since I had had fresh human blood.

My body was completely still as I feasted away, drinking the mortal dry. I was completely unaware of Brook's bloody murder going on behind me, nor when she changed back.

I released the corpse, leaning back against the wall. I let my body relax as the blood trickled small amounts of energy back into my system.

"Oh, "I heard Brook say, "That was more intense than I thought."

I chuckled weakly, smiling at her, "You think?"

"I see you enjoyed yourself."

I laughed weakly, taking a deep breath. I was always weak for a bit after feeding. It was a vampire's way to allow its body to refresh itself.

Brook picked her bloody clothes off of the ground and redressed. Shortly after, Vergil tore in the driveway. He jumped out and rushed to us, checking to make sure we were okay.

Brook shrugged him off, and he stopped by me. I was still relaxing against the wall.

"I'm fine, Vergil. I just fed."

He nodded, kicking one of the bodies on the ground, "Dammit. Now we have to leave."

Brook nodded, "I have a great place. It's underground."

I quirked my brow, "Dark, I presume?"

She smiled.


I dropped my duffel bags onto Brook's couch, Buttons jumping up beside them. The place was amazing. It was powered by solar panels; heated and cooled by the earth itself.

"Wow, Brook. For it being underground, it's a big house. This'll be perfect. "

She grinned, "No one but us knows it exists."

"Perfect," Dante said, "Maybe we can lay low for a bit."

Vergil nodded, "Long enough to find Tobias. Now remember," he addressed all of us, "Tobias has sent all of the agencies after us. We are being hunted. We can't just go around showing our faces. We must remain hidden."

Brook smiled, "Hidden is my middle name. Well, er, no it actually isn't. It's actually.... you know what, it's a figure of speech."

I quirked my brow, "Wow Brook. Nice."

She winked, "Gotta dot your T's and cross your I's."

Dante cocked his head, "Isn't it 'Cross your I's and dot your T's?"

"No, you dolts, "Vergil interrupted,  "It's 'Cross your T's and dot your I's.' "

Brook scoffed, "That's what I meant."

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