An Old Friend

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Vergil and I burst through the door of The Order building, dashing through the halls. He ran fast, but I easily kept up. My hair bounced in and out of my face, annoying me greatly. This is why I wear ponytails dammit

Vergil had informed me on the way here that Frank, one of his eldest workers, had been attacked on the way to The Order building. Some workers dragged his body inside. He was dead when they called Vergil.

The first thing I noticed when we arrived was the smell of blood. But this was more of a pungent smell, not the usual sweet smell. I tried hard to ignore the large blood stain on the floor where they dragged his body.

We reached the computer room where his workers did their jobs. A crowd of humans in white coats stood in a ring around the body on the floor. Upon seeing us they broke apart, revealing a gruesome scene.

Frank had been stabbed repeatedly in the back with a large blade. The blood was horrible smelling.

Vergil took a pulse, just to be sure. I placed my hand on his shoulder, "He's dead, Vergil. Even if he would have survived the stabbings, they poisoned him. He would have died anyway."

Vergil sighed, mumbling under his breath about Frank being "the one with the most knowledge in his group."

Vergil stood up ubruptly, "Was there anything with him when you found him?"

A female I recognized as a worker named Beth stepped forward with an envelope, "Just this. Don't know who it is from."

My blood chilled. It was the same writing and ink as the last letter we received. Vergil read it out loud.

"This is just a demonstration. I know what you are, who you are, and where you are. Don't worry, this will all be over soon. And by the way, tell the Hybrid freak I'm coming for her."

My skin prickled with anger as he tightened his fist around the letter. Tobias had us in his grip. We had to finish this.

Vergil took a deep breath as murmers and horrified protests sprang up around the room.

"Listen, everyone, " Vergil spoke up, "We have another threat. Mundus had a son. His name is Tobias-"

Disbelieving murmers spoke up, filling the room.

Vergil motioned for everyone to quiet down, "I know, I know. I was doubtful too. But this is true. Tobias is responsible for the murder of Frank here. He fights to eliminate Dante, Cassi and Me from the earth, and we need to stop him. He has been crowned Demon King. His goal is to rule for eternity. We can't let that happen."

Yells of agreement sprang up, and Vergil gave me permission to finish for his while he got rid of Frank's body.

"Okay, you know the drill. Keep your regular jobs; monitor the demon world, Limbo, search for any information on Tobias, and find new ways to improve our defense. Obviously our last one didn't work as the SWAT and CIA found us."

The group dispersed, and I left to find Vergil. I knew he was out burying Frank, so I waited at the car.

It was gonna be a long night.


Vergil sat mournfully at the table, staring at a picture of Tobias. He wasn't exactly upset that Frank was dead-that guy was a nut. No he was angry that his most knowledgeable part of his organization was gone.

"Vergil, are you okay?" I asked cautiously.

"No, I'm pissed. How could Tobias know who my workers were? Frank was our inside man for everything, the one who had the most knowledge on Limbo. Just how?"

I shrugged, "But Brook is in danger. Speaking of which, where is she?"

Vergil called her name loudly, startling Dante, who was asleep on the couch. Brook came running down the stairs, sliding to a halt in front of Vergil, and stuck her foot in his face.

"I have TOE SOCKS!!! And they have POLKA DOTS!!!"

Vergil leaned away as she wiggled her toes at him, laughing hysterically.

"Why are you so loopy?" I asked.

"Well," she said from the floor, "Being stuck in a laboratory cage for a couple of years tends to do that to you. Now what did you need?"

Vergil cleared his throat, shoving his fingers through his silver hair, "You're in danger. Tobias is after you."

"Oh, pfft. I figured that would happen."

I stared at her, "Doesn't this alarm you?"

"Nah. I'm just like whatevs."

I shared a look with Vergil. He seemed suprised, as most people were afraid of dying. But Brook wasn't a person. She wasn't human.

"Aaannyways. These socks are feakin amazing. Dude, each one is individually wrapped!!"

Vergil scoffed and rubbed his forehead, "That's wonderful, Brook."

She seemed unable to control her excitement, "I know right? So what happened?"

I sighed, "Tobias murdered one of Vergil's workers."

Brook's mouth fell open, and she quit moving, "Oh my God... I'm so sorry..."

Vergil breathed out heavily, "Well, I guess the only way we're going to stop him is by eliminating him."

"We have to find him first, Vergil," I said quietly.

"Why don't you check Silver Saks Tower, where Mundus was? That's where the Hell Gate was, " Dante called in an exhausted voice.

I shook my head, "No, the voice told me that what we seek will not be where we think or whatever."

Vergil shrugged, "It's worth a shot."

Brook nodded, "Well, I'm going to bed."

Dante grunted in approval, and we all climbed the stairs.

That night when I fell asleep, I discovered who the voice belonged to.

The voice was Jasmine's.


WARNING: The next chapter will be kinda short.

Also, the toe sock incident did actually happen today. My friend is awesome.

Also, I just have to say: Ah, ♡♡ Vergil ♡♡

Enjoy! And welcome back, Jasmine!!!

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