The Search

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"Okay," Vergil declared, slapping a map down on Brook's table, "Here's the game plan. We need to search for Tobias. We need to find him quickly. Therefore we must rely on stealth."

"But-" Brook began, but Vergil cut her off.

"Hear me out. I plan to search by night, sleep by day. Less chance of being found that way. Cassi should have no problem with that. I'm guessing Brook won't either. But, Dante, you and I will have to adjust. Now if we DO find Tobias, we'd be better off infiltrating his whereabouts at night."

Dante nodded, "I can deal. I love sleep."

Vergil nodded, "So I am keeping my workers tuned on the objective of searching for Tobias. So far they've found a lot of strange activity in this area, " he circled a small spot on the map with his finger, "I think we should check it out. Cassi, you come with me. Brook, go with Dante. We need to scout this entire area, so I'll take the North side. You guys can have the South. Come nightfall, and we need to move out."

We all nodded. This was dangerous, but we had no choice.

Vergil pushed his hair from his eyes, standing up and folding his arms, "I suggest we prepare. Ready your weapons, make sure you are well enough rested. If you find something, call me. As I will you."

I studied the map heavily. I pointed at a dark section in the North area of the circle, "Vergil, why is it so heavily shaded here?"

He shrugged, "Printing mistake? I don't know."

"Nah. I wanna check it out."

Vergil sighed, "Whatever floats your boat."


Nightfall came all too quickly. Nobody got any sleep as we all were anxious to head out.

"Alright, everyone."

Vergil walked quickly into Brook's sitting room with some papers, "It's time."

He handed each of us a map, our destinations circled. I folded mine and placed it in my pants pocket. We were all dressed in black to blend in with the night.

"Dante," I said with a sneer, "You look like a gangster."

He grinned, "I didn't choose the thug life... the thug life chose me."

We all chuckled as we walked out. Dante and Brook took her car, and Vergil and I took his car.

It was all too soon that we made it to our destination all too soon. We stepped out of the car, staring at an old, abandoned apartment complex in front of us.

"This it?"

Vergil scanned his map, "Yes. Master of disguise, eh?"

I shook my head and we slowly made our way into the building. As we opened the door, a cloud of dust his us in the face. I coughed, and Vergil stepped in behind me.

I held a finger to my lips, grabbing his hand. Since I could see, he let me lead.

All in all, the building seemed like a normal place. There was nothing supernatural about it. This was not a massive building. It did not go up any stories. We soon scoured the entire place, ending up in the basement.

Vergil pulled out a flashlight, illuminating the room, "Hm. Guess this isn't the place."

I pulled out my map, "Whay about this little circle I told you about?"

He sighed, "I assure you it is just a printing mistake."

"No, I have a feeling that-"

Vergil quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket, putting it on speaker phone, "Yes Dante?"

"Verg, we have a problem..."

"What is it?"

Dante hesitated, "The house is swamped. There is SWAT all over! And Brook.... she's gone...."

I bit my lip, staring at Vergil, "Dante, what do you mean she's 'gone'? "

"She disappeared on me! I dunno where she is! I-"

A screech echoed through the phone, "Ah Shit! Vergil they found me! Get over here, now!"

The phone cut out into static.

"Dante?" Vergil asked, "Dante!"

"Vergil... I said quickly, "we need to leave... NOW!"

We raced to Brook's place, hoping they were still alive.

Mortals (Devil may Cry book 2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang