03. His words

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~~~~~AUTHORS NOTE ~~~~~~~~

Hey guyss, I just wanted to say that I have been enjoying writing these chapters and I am determined to kick start this story. 

Any ideas are greatly appreciated  :))


I was laying in my bed late that night struggling to get Cody's words out of my head. 

It seemed forever until my room lit up from text from Blake. 

"Come outside"

The time read 3:23 am. 

Some nights when the both of us couldn't sleep we would go for a walk around our neighbourhood and hang out at our local park and sit on top on the monkey bars. We might talk about things, we might drink ourselves stupid from our parent's liquor closet or we will sit there in silence. 

Once we got to the park I saw that there was this look on Blake's face.

I didn't question it though until after we had talked about all the "hot gossip" that was going on at our pathetic high school. Blake is a sucker for the drama and JUST has to tell someone. Unfortunately, that person had to be me. 

He looked at his phone as if he got a text. 

pfftttttt I was Blake's only friend I must be hallucinating from lack of sleep. But my eyes weren't deceiving me because he chuckled. Who or what was he chuckling at? because I didn't say anything funny. 

"What's up?" I laughed trying to look at what was so funny. 

He did something unexpected he turned his phone away from me and was so defensive about what was on that phone. 

"It's nothing," he said in an awkward tone? WAS HE BLUSHING?????????

"It's obviously something so tell me" I demanded which is a thing I always do because I hated when I don't get told things especially when it's my best friend. 

He paused and looked at the ground and smiled. 

"You know Sienna Wiley"

"Yea what about her?' I scoffed 

If you didn't know Sienna Wiley is the 'IT' girl of our highschool is probably the most self centred mean girl you have ever met. 

I swear this chick has 3 new dudes every week. 

"I think she likes me ...... and I think I like her too"

I was shocked so much I couldn't move.

"oh ... really .. that's uh great I'm so happy for you"

"You don't sound happy"

" Well I am... so are you going to ask her out?" I scoffed which surprised me.

There was a silence that was ... uncomfortable and that wasn't normal for us 

"That's the thing I already did" he said rubbing his hand at the back of his neck before continuing 

"she said yes"


Ok so this was was a filler but that's okay ;)

So this chapter is called his words but the question is which brothers words were stuck in her head?

a love story nobody expectedDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora