05. This girl.... my girl

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I'm an asshole and I know, in fact, I'm quite proud of it.

I sleep with a lot of girls that I see at the insane parties I wind up at.

All it takes is one look from my eyes and they are hypnotized and they just can't get enough of me. 

I hate to be that guy but none of them meant anything to me, don't get me wrong they were probably great girls but there was this girl... my girl 

Out of all the girls in the world I know I can have easy it was this girl I couldn't have or didn't want me and unfortunately for others was the only who these eyes were looking at. 

Tori Hart 

Yes the nerd who didn't talk to anyone but my younger brother. The one that hated society cause it was too fake for her.

One of the things I liked about her was that she was REAL. She wasn't trying so hard to fit in and didn't care about what anyone thought. 

She was insanely beautiful as well and it was all-natural, her hair a light brown matching her eyes that glow in the sunlight, her lips always looking so kissable..... ugh I want to kiss her so badly it was a shame nobody recognised before I did but I wasn't complaining I had this girl all my to myself if she just let me in. 

I always flirted with her trying to touch a part of her brain to open up a soft spot for me but I was failing miserably.

She hated me. I was a tease and I get nervous around her so I would blurt stupid things like how she was always hanging out with her "boyfriend" aka my brother and I knew she hated it. 

Annoyed looked really hot on her.

Nevertheless, I promised myself that I was going to get this girl and make her mine. 

Countless times in the past 2 days I have tried to make her notice that I had feelings for me but she kept brushing me off and it infuriated me. 

It was after soccer practice and I had built up all my nerves to walk up to Tori and with all the confidence I could muster I smiled and wink.

A move that always got to the ladies. 

She rolled her eyes in disgust. God I love her 

"You do know that stupid shit doesn't work on me" She said but I knew it wasn't true I was going to make an impact on her. 

"It will eventually you wait Hart" i said in the most flirtatious way I could think of. 

"And how do you plan to do that Webb" she hissed trying to sound not interested at all. 

"Like this .. . . " And I pulled her away before she could protest and started to run to my favourite spot in the entire school. The roof. 

"Cody let go of me. this is kidnapping" She went to scream but i put my index finger over her mouth which seemed to make her quiet. 

"Trust me will ya?" I whispered in her ear. She shuttered. Yes 

"Never" she shot back. 

"If I get severely injured or die I'm blaming it on you and never going to talk to you"

"Ill live with that but I don't think you will say that after you see this .. close your eyes"

"I thought we just established I don't and never will trust you" 

"Just shut up and do it "

She listened omg she listened. 

"Put your hands out" And she did. 

I took them and tingles went up my arms. I led her carefully to the spot and I knew this was going to amaze her.

"Open your eyes"

"Woah it's actually beautiful"

"Like me?"

"You wish Webb" She scruffled my hair. The effect this girl had on me. 

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