07. That warm fuzzy feeling

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Authors note: I do not endorse language that Cody uses such as wh0re etc 


Somehow my brother was able to pick up one of the hottest girls in their grade and they have been dating for a month or so which would be a record for Sienna Wiley. 

I'm not going to put it lightly she is a whore. 

I am not one to judge because I have hooked up with her in the past and will not be mentioning that to my little brother. 

It won't be long until she drops him for another boy and he will be heartbroken for a while but hey that isn't my fault. 

But what has been bothering me was that Blake and Sienna are spending so much time together and are clearly ignoring Tori and I saw it had an effect on her. It saddened me to see her like this, so lost without Blake, I wish I could replace those bad emotions with good ones.

I was waiting for her outside the library where she was studying during her off period. By now I have her whole schedule down pack and I wanted to get as much Cody-Tori time as I can. 

"Hey lady"

"Ugh for fuck sakes I'm not in the mood for your shit"

"Aw come on let me cheer you up!"

"I doubt that you can"

"Let me try I will surprise you"

"The words 'will' and 'not' are very different Cody but I am not surprised that you don't know that " she shot me a fake smile and started to walk/run away.

So she likes a chase ....... I'm down 


This asshole won't leave me alone, I'm having a shitting day already and I just want some peace and quiet alone to think. 

I woke up late for school with a text from Blake that he went to school with Sienna and that he was sorry that he couldn't pick me up. On top of that, my parents had already left for work meaning I had no ride therefore I had to walk to school. I was one hour late and forgot to eat so I was super hungry. 

Luckily I had the first period off but still, I wanted to study so when I got to school I went straight to the library. I was so angry at Blake right now he knows how much I hate being late. 

Once first period had ended I walked out rather stomped out to my next class, Math which my teacher would probably not show up but always assigns work online for the lesson, we all had theories as to why he didn't show up but what I think that he just didn't want to put up with hormonal teenagers and I can't blame him. 

 Of course with my luck, HE just had to talk to me today. No matter how many times I told him to go away as I strutted off to math class he didn't get the memo.

"Tori?" he was running after me determined to say something that I am sure was irrelevant.  

"I'm ignoring you if that's not obvious" 

He chuckled " oh darling I love your attitude in the morning it is truly refreshing"

I hate him with so much passion I could do it for a living. 

Once I got to my class I stopped in the doorway pushed Cody back and shut the door in his face before he could follow me in. I was relieved when I finally freed myself from the presence that is Cody Webb. . . . . 

I spoke too soon . . .  

Before I knew it,  he flung open the door staring me down with a smirk plastered on his face. He grabbed me by my hand, picked up my stuff and dragged me out of class doing this all in one swift movement. We got some questionable looks as he flung me over his shoulder. I tried so hard to get down .... punching, kicking whatever I could but he didn't budge and damn he was strong.

"PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN CODY" I screamed as we went through the parking lot. 

"You are cute when you yell" he seemed unphased despite my efforts to get free. He is so damn strong but had a gentle grip at the same time. 

"Where are you taking me?", By now I have admitted defeat and relaxed into Cody's body. 

"Just trust me sweetheart, I trust you"

At that very moment, his grip loosens and I feel something I couldn't begin to understand. 

That warm fuzzy feeling.  

a love story nobody expectedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن