06. Until next time loser brother

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It's been a couple of weeks since school has started so let me catch you up to speed about what has happened. 

1. She devil went out on a date and according to Blake it went well

2. I got a 100% on my physics test ( expected but I'm still proud of it)

3. Blakes asked Sienna out and now they are dating 

4. Cody took me up on the rooftop on the school to see the view of the town 

5. Cody threw up in our garden a couple of days ago coming home from another party 

6. Blake and I  spent an entire weekend binge-watching twilight and Hunger Games 

Yes, Blake and she devil- I mean lovely Sienna are dating. They publicly showed affection to each other all the time but during lunch she wouldn't sit with Blake and I,  Blake said that she was busy with her friends but I knew it was because she didn't want to sit with losers aka me. 

She didn't like me every time they were hugging or just finished making out (gross I know)  she would turn to me and give me a glare.  And me being the best friend Blake could of asked for I just smiled back even though the inner me wanted to punch her lights out, I could do it too I know I'm the smart one in the pair but Blake and I do boxing together since middle school ( it was our way to get out all our stress and anger). 

"We hanging out tonight" I snapped out of my trance and looked at Blake, Sienna was gone (THANK THE LORD) 

"Yea wanna study and movies?"

"Yea yours or mine? "

"Yours, I'm sick of my siblings they keep distracting me from my homework"

"I can't promise mine will be any better"

"I love Lucy I just hate Cody"

Blake sighing "You only like Lucy cause she is 9 years old and worships you and well Cody is Cody"

"What about me?" I spunned around and there he was inches away from me, too close so I pushed him back and scoffed "Talking about how disgusting you are, Lets go I'm hungry"


"Clueless or 10 things I hate about you?" Blake questioned but he already knew the answer.

"10 things I hate about you, it's my favourite and only acceptable love story"

"Are you talking about us Hart because I think our love story is perfect" Cody said walking into Blakes room.

Before I could even responded Blake did for me "Quit it Cody" You could hear his seriousiness in his voice.

Cosy through up his hands in defence "Until next time loser brother..... Hart" He nodded at me an winked and it was lucky that Blake didn't see that cause then there wouldn't be a next time.


We were singing at the top of our lungs 'Cant take my eyes off of you' by Frankie Valli. 


There was a knock at the door Blakes mother walked in "Hey you two Patricks downstairs its dinner"


"So Tori what's this about Blake having a girlfriend tell me the truth is it really Sienna WIley or is he making it up" Blakes Mum chuckled.

"Oh it's real alright you should see them all over each other" I chuckled and Blake kicked my under the table "Ow Blake"

"Blake quit it, sooooooo Tori are you going to be in a relationship anytime soon??" She said nudging me.


"You know I don't have the time for that stupid shit, it all meaningless..."

"Because we are going to die one day and nobody will care who dated who" he whole table said in unsion. 

Damn I must say that a lot

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