Chapter 1.1

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Tommy was with Wilbur when Phil appeared. Wilbur didn't seem to be surprised by Phils visit unlike Tommy who was used to Phil keeping away from the main Smp. As Wilbur and Phil talked a bit away from Tommy, he looked over the papers Phil brought and quickly realized what they were for. "You are going to break Dream out?" he screamed at them. Wilbur answered with a simple "So what?" "'So what' He caused so much f*ucking Damage and your gonna let him run free?" He continued before either of them could answer "Do you even know how hard it was to get him there! Tubbo almost died!" Suddenly Phil just slapped him "I don't care about your dumb problems." Wilbur almost couldn't hold his laughter as Tommy ran off. 'First Sam then Wilbur then Quackity and now even Phil? Does everyone hate me now? 'Tears started to form in Tommy's eyes as he run back to his base.

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