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            I  stared out into the darkness, admiring the small beams of light coming from the crowded, busy city. The distant sounds of speeding cars and the bustling crowds fled their way towards me, filling my ears with the inaudible sounds of life. Everyone there didn’t have a care in the world except where they were going next. And here I am fighting for my life.

         My mind soon wondered to a place that it was all to familiar with. The thought of me being normal, the favored dream that I could walk down the streets, admiring the fast paced world. A cool breeze rushed behind me, having no effect on my still figure as I admired the bright, streaming lights one last time.

       A distinct sound of the snapping of a branch reached my ears and my instincts soon reacted. I stood quickly, alert. My eyes widening and my ears intently listening for another movement Grazing my hand along my back, my fingertips came in contact with the  chilled blade that was placed on my lower spine. I clutched it in my hand and pulled it towards the front of my body, ignoring the slight splatter of blood on the handle. The knife gleamed in the moonlight, reminding me of how many people I've had to harm to save my own skin. The world became silent as I focused on hearing footsteps. After several moments all I could hear was the noise of my pumping heart.

     I grabbed my black backpack from the ground before bursting into a run through the woods. I quickly leaped over one of the fallen trees. My speed increased, making the branches going past me look like a blur. I quickly made it to Maggie’s small cottage in the middle of a clearing.

      I ran up the steps, skipping every other one before throwing open the door and racing inside the house. Maggie stood from her spot in front of the TV and followed me into the small spare bedroom I had been using. I threw open the wardrobe and began throwing my few clothes into my old duffle bag.

        I turned with the clothes overflowing from my arms to face confused Maggie. Her blond hair hung down her back and her baggy clothes hung off her thin short frame.

“They found me.” I said.

     She nodded immediately understanding and began helping me pack. I went to the dresser and pulled out my M1911 and shoved it into the waistband of my jeans. I grabbed two boxes of ammo, throwing them into my backpack.

    Maggie and I both knew what to do. This had happened before. Since I was young I have been hunted.

        I grabbed both my bags, throwing them over my shoulder before walking out the room, meeting Maggie in the kitchen.

"You still have that pistol I gave you?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"Good if they come. Use it." I said. She gave me a hug before I ran out the back door, strolling into the darkness.

        Maggie is 22; she met me a few years back and insisted I come stay with her. This has happened more times than I could count. Every time I go somewhere they follow, the longest I have ever stayed somewhere was a month. I have been all over the world, seen so many sites and landmarks. And I don't care. My head is always down at my shoes, hiding my face.

     I dipped and slid through and over trees, staying hidden in the dark with my black sweatshirt and jeans. The cold frosted air chilled me to the bone, but it felt comforting. I had faded my smell and kept alert, cautious, anything could happen.

     I have been tracked for years. Since I was born. My mother tried to hide me after my father was killed, but she had no such luck. I've been alone for 3 years now, running.

My mother was exotic with dark hair, eyes and tan skin. She always had a need to run. My father was fair skinned, his face shown as crystals in the sunlight from how pale. His hair was dark as his eyes were light. He had a need for blood.

My mother was a werewolf. My father was a vampire.

I am a hybrid.

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