Chapter 3

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I opened the door quickly and smiled at the sight.


So many books littered the counters, stacked high on shelves and some were in piles on the floor. I never had the pleasure of being able to read so many books. I only could read the books at someone's home. The homes of the people who were willing to help us.

My mother had made sure I could read, write and do math. The nights we stayed in the woods, she taught me ensuring I at least had some education. I always loved how a book could take me to a far away land, away from the cold sleepless nights in the forest, away from the violence of the world, away from my life.

I took a few steps inside, making no sound as my boots connected with the thin, burgundy carpet. I inhaled smelling the light scent of ink, the new pages of a book and leather. I smiled knowing this was what I missed out on most as a child.

To my right against the wall was a dark, mahogany desk. Random papers and notes were scattered around the dark wood, contrasting against the ivory paper. Meaningless words scribbled down on each of them in large, loopy letters. A bulky white dinosaur of a computer sat on the desk as well, a thin layer of dust had settled over the keys and the unmarked, black screen.

Straight ahead of me were a dozen mahogany bookshelves that went from the floor to the ceiling. Every shelf and every space was filled with the leather bound thought of an individual. To my left was comfy, worn leather chairs. No one could know how many people had picked out a book that kept their interest, taking them to their wits end to see what happened to the imaginary, fictional character. Keeping them at the edge of their seats as the read page by page and word for word of the stories of the daring, courageous and dauntless feats.

I walked towards the shelves, eager to find something to read. I would be stuck in this town for who knows how long and I plan on filling that time up with reading. My fingers skimmed over the bindings of the books, all in some type of order. My eager eyes grazed the titles unable to comprehend that I could choose more than one.

I began pulling them out of their spaces, leaving a small, blank gap of what was once there. I placed them in my arms and continued my search on finding these amazing texts.

Soon I found myself weighed down by the many blocks of literature in my arms. I began to hull them over to one of the few leather chairs. I sat them in the floor with a thud before placing myself in the chair. As I thought, it was plush, comfy and worn, perfect for reading.

I pulled the first book from the stack and read the indented title of the book.

"Jane Eyre." I shrugged and opened the frayed cover and let my mind slowly begin deciphering the words and the meanings.

"There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. We had been wandering, indeed, in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morn........."

I had barley finished the first sentence when the sound of the door bursting open, startled me, making me drop the book, a small thud echoed throughout the room as it hit the floor. I reached for my pistol, clasping the cold, hard metal in my hand. My fear of being found again rose up in my chest. I turned on my heel, gun raised, towards the door to see Adrianna standing there a look of pure terror on her face.

I took a deep breath and dropped my gun to my side, trying to calm my racing heart.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just a bit skittish right now." I said rubbing my hand over my face. My heart was beating in my ears. Adrianna just shrugged as if it was nothing that I had almost just shot her.

"Caleb wants us to meet back at the car now." She said while opening the door back up, allowing a cool gust of wind to blow through making the sound of the rustling of pages sound through the library. I nodded my head before beginning to walk towards the door with her. I took a second glance back at the books vowing to myself that I would come back before stepping out into the overcast atmosphere.

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