Chapter 4

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Hey guys!

So sorry for this chapter being so late! The next one will be up sooner I have just had an extremely busy week. Anyway hope you all enjoy!:)




I snapped my eyelids open, blinking back the blurry sleep from my vision, the deep abyss of sleep still fogging my thoughts and actions. I focused my attention on my hearing, listening for the sound that had awoken me from my slumber. Dead silence echoed back at me, I swiveled my eyes around, scanning around the room for any sign of life.

I came back with a blank as the dark, silent room looked back at me.

Suddenly a shuffle broke the silence. My eyes grew wide, my ears alert and my body vigilant. I sat up from my bare cot on the floor waiting, as if someone would burst through the thin, wooden door at any moment and slaughter me.

Silence faced me yet again making the town seem even more eery as the quiet taunted me. I stood, balancing on the balls of my feet, waiting to react. Abruptly a groan made its way through the sorrowful town and through the walls of the crumbling building. As the noise reached my ears I came to a realization.

I wasn't alone.

I took a cautious step across the room to reach towards the door. My M1911 pressed firmly into my back and my knife stuck snuggly against my ankle surrounded by my leather boots. I reached the top of the stairs and searched for scents throughout the air, not smelling of anything but the scent of dust, grime and the sour stench of mildew.

I flashed down the stairs not feeling like taking the time to step carefully down each step assuring that they don't squeak or crack. A short, small gust of wind flew around me as I sped down the stairs. My hair flew from my face and the cool air caressed my cheekbones, making me feel alive.

I then stood in the middle of the front room, taking in any differences in the scenery. The space looked untouched, the same ashes remained in the charred fireplace, the same bare floorboards remained, and some were uneven and had risen slightly from the ground. The square patterned walls stared back at me.

I strode over to the door, my quick, even footsteps sounded through the town, rising through the floors of my home. I clutched the small, worn, bronze knob of the door, taking in a deep ragged breath to calm my nerves. Someone who wanted to kill me could be out here.

Before I could wimp out I twisted the cold metal in my hand and opened the blockage to the outside. A gust of night air surrounded me, sending a shiver up my spine. I took a step out into the frigid air and stood on the rough pavement. I reached for my pistol from the waistband of my jeans and pulled the slide back, hearing the familiar slang of metal against metal as it loaded in the first shell.

I began my decent through the town, constantly looking over my shoulder. Since Caleb left town this afternoon, I had been on edge, constantly waiting for someone to attack. My pistol lay at my side, ready to be fired. My ears are open ready to detect any sound. My eyes are jerking side to side, watching for any movement. I looked up at the worn signs above the town. They each were unique and individual, having their own personality. It looked as if most were hand painted.

Another soft shuffle and a thud broke me from my thoughts. I rushed towards the sound the soft patter of my boots being the only noise that surrounded me. My heart began to pound in my throat as I thought of what would lie ahead. Thoughts and predictions zoomed through my head as I traced the sound through the city.

I stopped at the brink of grime covered building. My shoulder was placed against the corner of the stone wall keeping me out of sight from my opponent. The sound of ragged breathing reached my ears making my eyes widen. A sudden scent flowed through the air making me curious. The aroma of earth and soap wafted through my nose before the iron stench followed it.

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