Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

 A crack of thunder sounded from the dark skies above. The rayless and inky clouds loomed over me, casting dark shadows across the concrete. My body was being assaulted by the harsh raindrops that pelted my skin, leaving a sharp sting of the pain that once was. One foot in front of the other as I retraced the path to the library that had been burnt into my brain. Besides the sounds of the water draining from the gutters, my feet padding against the damp ground and the occasional crack of thunder, the town remained silent.

 It has been four days since I’ve seen Henry, since the day he left. My friends haven’t come to see me in nearly five days and finally the loneliness was beginning to sink in. It was only me. Henry most likely left, never to see me again. It wasn't as if we had gotten close, heck, we barley even knew each other’s names. It just felt less desolate and barren when he was here. Like maybe if I screamed for help someone might hear me.

 The familiar brick building came into view and I quickly jogged towards it, eager to get inside from the harsh weather. I stepped inside, the wind howling behind me, pleading to come inside and chill my bones. I clicked the door shut and turned to see the towering book cases and jumbled mess of papers. Cinereal light streamed through the few windows of the library causing a shadowy haze to be cast over the spacious room. I stepped forward, eager to step inside a different world that wasn't the treacherous one that I lived in.

Plopping down in the glossy leather chair, rather ungracefully, I felt my muscles relax as I released the worries of tomorrow. Reaching my hand over, I felt along the tall stack of books that were placed next to the seat. Grabbing the book from the top of the stack, expecting Jane Eyre, the book I had left off on but I was faced with an unfamiliar sight.

In large, bold type the word Frankenstein stared back at me. My brows furrowed in confusion, I didn’t grab this from the shelves. How did it appear here? Curiosity filled my mind as I wondered what lay behind the ominous cover. Giving into the temptation, I quickly tore into the book, excitement filling my being. My eyes scanned the page as the tale began.

“You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings.”

And I sat there as excitement, fear and adrenaline pumped through my veins as I read the tale of the making of the monster. Pages turned and gasps were released as I focused on the classic novel. The clashing world around me was forgotten as I entered the universe of loving monsters, beasts and mad scientist. The storm from outside was soon just white noise to my brain as my senses were abandoned.

                After a while a burning pain began in my neck and traveled down my spine. With a groan I sat up and set the nearly finished book aside as I stretched my aching limbs. Time seemed to fly today and I eagerly accepted it. Taking in a deep breath of air a sent tinged my nose and immediately my instincts kicked in.

            I stood from my chair, taking in another breath and once again the irony stench tainted my nose. My heartbeat began to quicken as panic set in at what was here. The vampires had come for me.

            As the possibility entered my brain, I fled. Rushing from my previous spot, I ran towards the door. Running faster than I ever had, I focused in on the sound of their movements. The large oak door of the library slamming into the door frame behind me barley phased my focused mind as I departed from the comforting place. The only thing that consumed my mind was panic as I ran for my life.

            The buildings passed in a blur as my speed increased. Each looking like a swarm of color as I rushed to my safety. Choices of where to go flew through my mind as I tried to think quickly. I couldn’t continue to run down the main road through the town or I’d be caught for sure.

            As I reached the brink of the town my mind went on a rampage for a solution. My eyes went wild as they searched the barren earth for my salvation. Off in the distance stood a forlorn house, standing tall in the distance but was fairly inconspicuous. It was my only chance.

            Their scent covered the town as they searched for me. Flashes of color would appear in peripheral vision, warning me of how close they were.

            I raced towards it, the dead grass brushing against my ankles and the wind burning my face. Speeding into the house, I ignored my surroundings and began trying to find a place to hide. Fumbling into the spacious kitchen, my gaze wondered until it landed on a small hidden latch door that was located on the floor.

            Before thinking I scrabbled towards the portal and pulled the overlaying rug aside to reveal the thin outline of the door. Yanking it open to unveil a set of narrow stairs, I opted out and lowered my body onto the first step and shut the heavy door behind me. Blindly, I felt along the wall, giving me some stability as my eyes adjusted to the blackness. Soon images began to take their shape before my eyes, becoming recognizable.

            Clambering down the remaining steps I was faced with a bare cellar floor. Tall, empty wooden shelves were stacked on either sides of the room. Stumbling inside, I turned around facing the only way in and out of the room.

            I was so stupid, letting my guard down and being unaware of my surroundings. They could have come in and killed me and I’d have no chance. My heart thumped in my chest erratically. I took a deep breath, trying to control the beating. After a few moments everything was silent, the house creaked and settled as the storm brewed outside.

            My mind stopped fumbling through thoughts and actions to take. Everything seemed fine.



            The long drawn out sound made me cringe. The noise continued with each step the person took, their weight transferring from one floorboard to the next. My heart sped up becoming uneven and strange as panic rose up in me. The noise grew louder until finally it stopped, panic entering my being.

            A lengthy stream of light entered the room and took form on the floor around a figure. The shadow taunting me with the things I cannot see. My senses were blocked out, unable to be used in this stage of worry.

            The figure began down the steps and entered the small chamber, unaware that I was hidden in the dark corner of the room. My eyes followed their blacked out face as they appeared before me, the light blinding their features. Moving on instinct, quietly I pulled my knife from the sheath. My breath was being held in my lungs, not useful at the moment.

            The figure took a few steps inside the room and I watched as their head swiveled around, looking for something, someone, me. Now only a few feet away my plan was beginning to form in my mind.

            I bounded towards them and instinctively placed the blade on their jugular. A small sound of panic was released from my prey as my action was taken. Confused, my knife wavered as it touched the skin. The noise awoke me, my senses came back to me and the echo of a strong nervous heartbeat racked my ears.

Vampires don’t have heartbeats.

            I released him and stepped back. They stumbled backwards and grasp their throat.

“What the heck-“He gruffly asked.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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