Chapter 5

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I sighed as I stood back to look at my handy work on the man's body. I had been fixing him up for well over an hour, the deadly, night haunting me as the sun began to rise, and shining through the glass store front of the medical supplier. The orange, pink and purple arrays of color were spread across the vast sky.

The man never awoke, through all the pain as I cleansed his wounds. Along his collar bone he had four, matching, irritated wounds, each the same height and width. On the back of his left shoulder blade was a large gash, easily the size of someone's palm. The slashes on his face couldn't be helped, I cleansed them but that was all I could do.

The boy's groans of agony and pain had finally ceased. I plopped on the hard floor across from his cot and sighed in exhaustion. What am I to do now? When he wakes up what do I do? Hold him hostage? Let him go? Kill him?

A wave of fatigue washed over me as my body relaxed. It is obvious the boy isn’t waking up any time soon. I leaned my back against the wall letting my head roll to the side. Instantly I felt the muscles in my neck and shoulders release the tension that had built up over the last several hours of panic.

I felt myself begin to drift off, fading in and out of the black abyss that was surrounding me. I eventually succumbed to it forgetting the predator before me.



Immediately my eyes shot open, taking in their surroundings but too tired to register what was happening. Everything was blurred making me confused. I blinked my eyes quickly the image clearing as I focused.

Saxon stood in the center of the room an older man at his side looking at me questioningly. I quickly shut my eyes and shook my head, shaking away the cloudy thoughts. I reopened my windows to the world to see Saxon had stepped closer his hand stretched out, offering to help me up.

I quickly took it, treasuring the feeling of blood flowing to my legs again. I nodded my head to Saxon in thanks before turning my attention to the stranger before me. He was intimidating with his stretching heights, towering over me and hale with his bulky arms. His black, short hair was dusted with a slight gray; his aged eyes, dark amber were surrounded by deep lines.

I quickly turned my attention back to Saxon, surprised he was here.

"What are you doing here? Caleb, Adrianna and Ezra left yesterday afternoon." I asked, my brows furrowing at my question.

"Well, Strix and I went to the werewolf's territories yesterday, telling people you were here. I spoke to Alpha Clayton and he couldn't believe it and wanted to see you himself." Said Saxon his hands gesturing between us as he spoke.

Immediately a warning burned into my head at Saxon's mistake. What if Alpha Clayton was against me? He could kill me right now. My mind began to race through the possibilities and the actions I could take, I was ready to act on them when a heavy, warm hand fell on my shoulder. My eyes quickly jerked up connecting with warm, brown ones.

"Neorah Blake, I will not hurt you. My only interest is to help you in any way I can. I will treat you as I would any other pup in my pack." Alpha Clayton's voice did not waver making my barriers fall to trust him. If Saxon could trust him, then so could I.

I slightly nodded and lifted my lips into a small smile before stretching out my hand between us.

"Hello Alpha Clayton, here everyone calls me Blake." I spoke willing my voice to get louder, showing him the alpha blood that ran through my veins. His head rose in respect before placing his hand in mine.

"Then Blake it shall be, and please call me Clayton." I sent him a small smile before turning my head back to the cot across the room, the boy still peacefully sleeping. Saxon's eyes grew large before flicking them from me to the boy and back.

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