Chapter 2

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The girls face lit up in a smile at that one word. People over the years thought I was the missing link to unite the werewolves and vampires, making them the most powerful species in..........well ever. There would be so many things we could accomplish together.

"You’re Neorah Blake? The daughter of the Prince and the Alpha's daughter?" Asked one of the blond brothers. A look of shock clear on his face. I nodded my head hesitantly, still not sure if I could trust them.

"Blake, this is Saxon and Strix." Said Caleb gesturing between the two blond guys. Strix was tall and built with broad shoulders. His hair was spiked from his forehead showing his dark green eyes. Saxon was just as tall, slightly more built than his brother. His hair was shorter and unlike his brother, he had blue eyes.  I waved slightly at them both, getting a smile and wave in return.

"Then there is Ezra." Continued Caleb.

Ezra was tall but lanky, unlike his friends. His dark hair was pushed back from his forehead highlighting his dark black eyes. He sent me a nod which I returned before my eyes returned to the small pixie like girl in front of me.

"And you've already met Adrianna." He finished. She was short and tiny, pixie like. She had dark red hair that came past her shoulders and sparkling brown eyes. She sent me a huge smile and a wave which I returned. She seemed to have such a bubbly personality.

"We don't mean any harm to you; in fact we want to help you." Said Strix. My mouth almost dropped agape.

"Help me?" I asked, shock clear in my voice.

"Yes, we would like to help you. Cover your tracks, give you supplies, a place to stay and hopefully be on the front lines with you when the rebellion begins." Cut in Ezra.

"Rebellion?" I asked, confused. I've never heard of a rebellion. Caleb began to step up to stop them but Saxon cut in.

"Yes, the battle between you and the leaders of the realm. The King of Vampires and the Alpha. They both control the species through the whole world; they have battled each other since time began. They are the reasons we can't all become one. If you win, the wall between us all shatters, we will be equals." 

"W-what?" I asked. My eyes flickered between each of them, not sure what to do. My heart rate began to race with fright. I wasn't powerful enough for that.

"You didn't know?" Asked Ezra. I shook my head. Caleb let out a sigh at his inability to stop them from telling me. I had never heard this. They were all waiting for me. To clear a path for all of them. To crash the barriers. To build an army. To make the peace. I just thought I was supposed to run. To live.

Caleb walked up in front of me and placed his cold, comforting hands on my shoulders.

"Neorah Blake, you are the strongest woman I know. You are a half breed. And the best of both. You've grown up with war. There are so many of us and the werewolves that are on your side. They are willing to die for you. Your parents had true love. And so many are willing to give their lives for that cause." I looked into his dark eyes to see he was saying the truth.

I nodded my head. I can do this. For my parents. Or at least I hope.

"Tomorrow, we will go to the werewolves. Tell them you’re here. Ready to fight." Said Strix. Adrianna groaned and ran up to me before grabbing my hand with her ice cold one and began dragging me back to the house.

"Your all to serious. Let's go have some fun." Said Adrianna. I smiled slightly at that. Fun. It had been so long since I had fun.

I was dragged back slowly to the house. I didn't really mind. I enjoyed being outside when I wasn't running. I treasured the cool wind on my pale skin. Before I knew it we were back inside the house.

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