Chapter 1

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      I stared up at the moon through the tall thick layer of trees and I was chilled. The cool icy breeze hit my arms causing a slight stabbing sensation as small dots of snow and ice rained down from the dark abyss above me.

I had been running for several hours. My legs didn't burn, I wasn't panting from the lack of oxygen. I was still.

       I was about half a mile out from a small town. Hoping that I was safe for the night I jogged into the city, careful not to scare off any humans. I continued running down the small road, passing fields and scattered houses. Up ahead I could see the faint outline of a gas station.

      My plan was to stay here for a few hours, eat and sleep then head off in the morning. I walked up to the dark gas station. It had one pump and the bright open sign flickered. I sighed at the run down rust bucket of a town I was going to be forced to stay in tonight.

     Behind the gas station began a small town; the buildings were slim and tall. Some crumbling with age. My hope grew as a small, worn hotel sign stuck out from one of the buildings. I took in my surroundings noticing no one was around. The silent street echoed as I walked across it. There were a few cars parked on the sides of the road, but everything was abandoned.

It was small, quiet and eery which means I'll be safe for the night. I sprung up onto the concrete step, making sure my pistol was hidden by my shirt before turning the cold metal knob and walking inside.

 The building was drafty, a few leaking spots in the roof and smelled somewhat like mothballs. I took a step towards the small, worn counter and rang the bell, the only thing that was on the mangled desk.

The small chime sounded, bouncing off the walls being heard through the floors of the rotten building. After several moments no one came, there wasn't a rustling or a shuffle. I moved to see up the stairs to see if someone was coming but no such luck. I groaned before swinging myself up and over the counter, landing firmly on my feet on the other side. I grabbed one of the room keys from the hook on the wall before starting up the steps.

I cringed as the steps creaked when my weight was placed on top of them. Was this place safe to be in? Was there even anyone in this town?

I quickly made it up the stairs before walking down a long hallway. I glanced at each room number, looking for 15. I came to a halt at my door, taking a deep breath before walking in.

The room was simple with a small twin size bed, a wardrobe and a door leading to the bathroom. The ancient blankets on the bed obviously had been there for a while with dust settled in a thin layer on top of them.

 I searched the wall until I found the small switch; I quickly flipped it on squinting at the bright light from the ceiling. I quickly flipped it back off, I could see better without the blinding light. I placed my bags on the foot of the bed before running a hand through my hair. Where could I go?


Caleb was one of my only friends that was a vampire. His father knew both of my parents and knew they were in love. His house was safe. My mother would take me there as a child when there was nowhere else to go. The vampire's never thought that one of their own could betray them.

I would head there in the morning.

I walked into the bathroom not surprised to see the old rusted pipes and cracked mirror. I sighed as I saw my thick, black hair matted and tangled from being windblown. I quickly began the twisting and tugging of my fingers till it was somewhat presentable. My abnormal eyes stared back at me, one a dark exotic brown while the other was a deep radiant blue.

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