Character Changes

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Since this is an AU and all, I thought I should throw in some headcanons and some non-cannon s*** in there. If there isn't a character on the list. That means I didn't change them at all, or I don't know enough about them to add them in. 

Warning, I'm terrible at spelling. Not even Grammarly knows how to fix this crappy fan fiction.

Anyway, My idea for each character

Cuddles: Part of the main group, Childish and a huge troublemaker. Loves his bunny slippers and HATES anyone who finds them childish. The kind of person to laugh at horror movies then say they had nightmares that night. On good terms with everyone but Handy due to the number of times, he's pissed him off. Never lets a party pass him by, All the rad kids go, and he doesn't want to be left out! Good friends with Giggles, Nutty, Flaky, Petunia, The Mole, and Flippy

Giggles: Part of the main group, Sweet and caring and is the only one who can really cook ((Along with Petunia)) Really dislikes Lumpy due to the number of times she has seen her friends nearly die because of him. Cheats on everyone and is desperate for love. (She went on a date with CM. Truly crazy she is) Also semi-dislikes Disco Bear. Good friends with Cuddles, Petunia, Flaky, Mime, The Mole, Flippy, and Handy

Petunia: Part of the main group, A huge clean freak that hates blood due to passing out just by seeing it. She would never kill a soul but will beat them near death if they put the shoes on the bed. Really dislikes Lumpy for the same reasons as Giggles. Hates her own smell so wears an air freshener and showers a lot to keep herself clean and fresh. Also a great cook! ((Like giggles)) Good friends with everyone BUT Lumpy and Disco Bear.

Flaky: Kinda part of the main group, Nervous and hard to get them to open up to you. Has a giant fear of chicks after "The incident" Doesn't talk too much and rarely goes to parties. Has a huge fear of Flippy, unsure why but feels uneasy around him. (Not a ship, Just pure fear) Spikes can impale people, however, After dying a few times. She rarely uses them because of them falling off and riping off her skin. Friends with the main group + Mime and mole.

Nutty: Kinda part of the main group, Hyperactive and crazy. Jokes around a bunch but can be a pain at times. His schedule is "Eat candy at day, Steal candy at night for more candy at day". He often asks Lifty and Shifty for help with the break-ins. And of course, they do it for the money... You won't ever catch Nutty without candy, Well except for the time Giggles saw him. Who in her word found it "Too Sad and depressing to even watch" Good friends with everyone but Flippy. 

Friends with everyone.

Toothy: A background character of the main group. A gardener who spends a lot of time in the garden. In his spare time, Giggles and he both love to stir up trouble. He and Handy are friends too but had split up over time. Often works at the office.  (I couldn't come up with a lot for this character-) Friends with everyone but Cro-Mammoth (He creeps him out)

Handy: Used to be part of the main group. A Carpenter who has trouble with his job after his injury. Although he used to be highly skilled with his work. Gets pissed easily and often forgets about his lack of hands. It doesn't help when you have Cuddles make fun of you for it. He's friends with everyone but Cuddles but good friends with Flippy and The Mole (The Mole understands and Flippy offers to help him a lot)

The Mole: Part of the main group, Blind, and his hearing is a bit off in one ear, but his other senses are strengthened. Likes Handy because he doesn't feel left out with him. Also likes Flippy for the same reasons as Handy. (If you cannot see already, They have their own little friend group :D) Part of the main group but feels left out at times. Likes to play music for others and wants to become big in the future. His main job is a spy, But the only person who only knows is Handy. Good friends with everyone.

Sniffles: Kinda part of the main group, But he spends most of his time at his lab. One of the smartest characters but never puts it to good use. He mostly tries to show off, but it seems to never work. Friends with Nutty, But doesn't trust him around his stuff. He wants to join a group of scientists and move out of Happy tree town. But is neglected due to his young age and/or how he doesn't understand how dangerous his inventions are, And never planning a good backup plan. Friends with everyone but Lumpy and Flippy. (Doesn't trust them) Has an obsession with breaking Cro-mammoth open "He could be the CURE to the death loop!" -A crazy anteater

Disco Bear: Jazzy man, Smooth and quite social. Wants to pick up those ladies but doesn't know what the hell he's doing. He kinda just "Goes with it" Uses outdated pickup lines a lot. Friends with everyone he hasn't flirted on (Like every male character)

Cro-Mammoth: Kinda part of the main group. An icy man works at the ice cream van. Sniffle has an obsession with getting him out of the ice block. Misses the Dino-Sore days and cries on the inside seeing how everything has changed. /HJ
Friends with no one but Mime, Who sometimes hangs out with him. They don't need words to be friends (THAT SOUNDS LIKE A SHIP FANFIC AAA).

Flippy: Doesn't have a place. A happy, Go lucky, friendly bear with a love for unicorns and rainbows! Quite childish for his age. (29) Doesn't have hate for anyone! He never takes his uniform off. He loves signing up for public services and volunteers in any way he can. Spending his time helping others is enough for him!

Fliqpy: The angst machine that goes spooky. Friends with NO ONE (edgy omg)

The Mime: Part of the main group. A kind heart who has a love for the circus. Rarely does any harm, usually, the one harmed. He takes his job as a mime seriously. In and out of work. In the main group, Is treated as a joke. Although that's what he's trying to really be. It's hard for others to take him seriously. Best friends with Cro-Mammoth. Like I said. Don't need words to be friends! Friends with everyone else but Lifty and Shifty. (They stole from him >:( )

Lifty and Shifty: Brothers that are unable to get along, One brain sell is among this pair made in hell.  Shifty and Lifty are hated by everyone but Nutty.

Russell: Kinda the same, Just that he knows very little about the ocean. Like, Just more dumb. 

Lammy: One of the characters that were found insane, She got better but the town still doesn't trust her. Her Pickle isn't alive but she acts like it was her child, She gets attached to people and is quite clingy.

Pop and Cub: W H E R E  I S  T H E  M O T H E R 

Splendid: The Same as in the show,  Just that he isn't trusted by some people. 

Truffles: Photobomber, stays in the back and watches from the trees. No one knows his motivations. Friends with The Mole 

Update: Truffles has been added and I finished some of the WIPs

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