Chapter ?

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What are these ? Chapters? They are just little random things that I can't really add to the main story. So these chapters are like REALLY low quality. I'll go back and fix them in the future but since I want to focus on the t h i c k chapter I'm working on and it's taking long. 

keep in mind.𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 you won't really be missing out on the bad story of this fanfic.

Anyway to the dum dums wanting to read this gross chapter, Go RIGHT ahead.

It was 3 days before the birthday. Sniffles grumbled as he loaded another page on the screen of the laptop, Then quickly read through it

"What does that mean... It could just be some rumors...."

He pushed up his glasses. Sniffles leaned over, His eyes glued to the laptop. He scrolled lower, glancing at the text as he went through it. Looking for something that could prove his theory. 

"That's not it... 2 deaths occurred at the base... Found many bodies filled with teeth, Which were found to be shot in... The General's body never was found... OH! Perfect." 

He zoomed in on the line of text, It read. 

'Only one Survivor came out of the incident. Presumably, the one who caused it, A Soldier named Flippy. Who later on was found insane and discharged from the military.' 

He quickly wrote it down on a sticky note and quickly stuck it onto the wall. There were many strings leading to different places on the wall, He could count more than 30. But they all led to the name 'Flippy' in the middle. Suddenly, A crash came from the darkness behind him. He jumped out of his seat and quickly grabbed whatever was in reach. With a book in hand, He stepped towards where he heard it. The kitchen. He turned the corner and saw nothing but shadows in the area. 

"Who ever is there- Uh- BE SCARED. Im armed! With uh- A GUN"

A creature stepped out of the darkness, It was a lime green with a long fluffy tail. A squirrel. 

"Oh COME ON NUTTY" Sniffles lowered his book "I shouldnt have left the candy out-" 

Now that Nutty had came into the light, He could see clearly that he had gotten into the cookies with the amount of chocolate on his face. 

Sniffles sprinted for the cabinets, and found the jar had been finished


Nutty, Who was silent the whole time. Spoke up

"Next time lock the jar then" 

He didn't seems to care, he licked the crumbs from his hands. Trying to get his daily 5 pounds of sugar in. Sniffles gagged, disgusted. He 

"I don't want to be a Petunia about this, But you disgust me" 

Nutty looked up at him, turned to look at his pantry. Then leaped towards the shelves where the sugar stash was.

"YOU BI-" 

                                          | 30 mins later |

Nutty walked out into the living room light with a wince, he looked down at his leg. Which was twisted backwards. Turns out a book CAN break bones, And he learned that the hard way. Sniffles sighed and went to his desk to turn on the lamp. The shine from the light revealed what Nutty liked to call 'Sniffle's New Obsestion.' First it was breaking open Cro-Marmoth (Hes still trying) Next was trying to get rid of the ants, Which never worked. And now theres a WHOLE new thing he needs to listen to his friend ramble about. Looking up at the board, All he could see were stickly notes and string roping around eachother. Leading all the strings to a middle spot with Flippy's face. 

"Whats that about?" Nutty mumbled, He sat on the chair next to Sniffles to not have to use his bad leg. 

"Oh this? Let me-" Sniffles said, Starting to get excited. 

"Hold up, No long nerdy talks without something in return" Nutty pushed back agaist his seat. 

"Oh fine-" Sniffles reached into his lab coat, And pulled out 3 lolipops. "Is this good?" 

Nutty sniffed them then put all three in his mouth at the same time, A wave of sugar-filed energy crossed over him that the lolipop brought. 

"I'll take that as a yes-"  Sniffles said, turning away and typing something into the search bar.

Nutty nodded quickly "So whats with your new thing with Flippy? Isnt he like the friendiest bear in town?" 

Sniffles sighed "Well, I thought that too until I found this while randomly looking up my friend's names. And unlike most of them where something normal popped up like a bake sale or a Club. I found... Something about the war-" 


"And the worse thing is, Theres a lot of things he did that werent that-" Sniffles cut himself off

"Just, I dont trust him-" Sniffles mumbled. 

Nutty started to crunch on his lolipops "Like what kinds of bad things tho-" 

"He commited murders, killed many. And, The most suprising thing is that. He had crazy strength and endurance. He survived a knife to the chest and a huge explosion, And many more impossible cases of survival." Sniffles waved hishands around, Like he just uncovered the biggest secret ever. 

"But like, Sniffles-" 

"What?" Sniffles turned to look at him staring him right in the eye. 

"He's FLIPPY, How much harm could he cause? I've met him, You've met him. We both know that he is like I said hes-" 

"I KNOW, I just-" 

"I just don't trust him."


Just updated the ending since it was c r i n g e 


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