"Don't Leave" Aomine Daiki x Reader

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A/N stands for 'Authors Note.' Y/N stands for 'Your Name.'

I do not own the pictures or anything only the chapters written, if you 'drew' the pictures tell me if they need to be taken down.

This is my 'first' x Reader thing so if is not great then please bear with it, I'm not professional, if the characters is OOC [Out of Character] Again my apology I barely finished the Season 2 so I don't know much about the other KNB characters.
You signed as you and Aomine started another argument, You guys been doing nothing but argue.

Aomine doesn't seems to agree with you most of the time, you asked him to go out on a date because you both haven't done that after his confession to you. He flat out rejected you, telling you that what's the difference between going out for a date and being home with each other.

"Is different being outside, you can't just lay here all day Aomine." you said calmly, trying hard not to yell at your Stubborn boyfriend.

Aomine grunted "Is literally the same [Y/N.] There's no point going out for a damn date, why can't we just stay home?"

You can't stand his laziness anymore, you're on the edge of crying because he'll rather lay on his damn couch rather than going on a date with you. "Whatever, you're such a prick." your last word as you rushed your way to you and your 'prick ass boyfriend' room. He was startled by the name you called him, his eyes widened by you running back to the room. You didn't pay much attention to him because you just don't care anymore you're done with everything that involves him.

You were expecting him to at least chase after you but no, he didn't and that's when you snapped. "Fuck this." you cried as you opened the closet and started packing your stuff. Not to mention you've been staying in Aomine's apartment for at least 2 months. He asked you to live with him and it was fine with your parents so you did, why would you decline it? Is a chance for you to stay with your lover Aomine. but everything went down to hell the moment you did.

You're questioning yourself why did you choose to live with him at all? You couldn't hold back your tears as you finally let them out while you're packing, some of the clothes got soaked. by your tears. As you finishes packing your stuff you grabbed everything you need, your phone your wallet.

Aomine opened the bedroom's door to check what's all the rustling sounds. "What are you doing.....?" he murmurs but you heard it anyways. "Things doesn't work on us Aomine, we've been doing nothing but fight. I think it'll be better if I leave." You coldly replied to his question as his eyes widened. He knew he haven't been the 'best' boyfriend and been selfish towards you. He's sorry for everything he have done...

But he just couldn't bring those words out of his mouth.

The truth is Aomine always wanted to go on a date with you and try all sorts of thing with you that he has never done before. Not to mention you're Aomine's very first girlfriend.

But because of his damn pride he can never tell you all of these, but he soon swallowed that 'pride' of his the moment you told him that it's better for you two to end it.

"No.." he murmurs to the point where you can't almost hear it.

"Huh?" You wanted to make sure what he murmured as you turned to face him.

He's trembling of anxious, scared to lose you.

"Don't leave.." he said with his head low, he was in tears and he doesn't want you to see him that weak, you wanted to giggle because he's taller than you even if he hang his head low you could still see him clear, let's say you even got a better sight of him, your expression changed as soon as you saw him, the anger you had earlier soon faded.

He slowly approached you as he clung onto you sobbing. "Please, don't leave me." your chest tightened by his words, even he's always a prick you still love him. a lot.

When you're about to speak he shuts you by hugging you, tightly. His actions surprised you where you suddenly dropped your bag onto the floor.

"I'm sorry for everything..I didn't wanted to go on a date with you not because I don't want to be with you.." your chest tightened even more as each sentence comes out from his mouth.

"Every steps you take I wanna be next to you. I don't want to go out because I tends to get jealous when other men looks at you and I hate it, I want to keep you all by myself and that was selfish of me. I'll do everything, I will change if it means you'll stay." he finishes as you felt him shivering and tears running on your skin.

Your heart is beating crazily fast. You never knew this side of Aomine and you're happy because he finally become honest to you.

You released yourself from his brace and kept the 'cool' expression.

He thought himself 'Ahh, I've done it, didn't I?'

"What are you, idiot? If you changed then you're not the Aomine I know anymore." You said as you smacked his head.

"Itai!" he whined.

"I don't want you to change, I just hope you could be more honest to me and you did. I'm really happy." you grinned widely as you messes his hair.

"So you're not leaving anymore?" he mumbled, there's a slight of joy within his voice.

"Does this answer your question?" You replied standing on your toes, reaching his height, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pecked his lips. He totally didn't expect that but he loved every second of it.

he blushed "I wouldn't mind if you answered it again." he said looking at other direction.

You did fulfill his wish but this time on his cheeks. "I'm not going anywhere."



he turned back to you and smiled at you like a little kid. He quickly pulled you into his arms.

"Hey [Y/N] Let's try all sorts of things together, okay?"

"I'll be in your care."

He flashed you a joyful smile before giving you a sweet long passionate kiss.

"I love you, [Y/N]" he whispered and kissed your forehead.

"I love you too, Aomine."

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