"Winter" Kuroko Tetsuya

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AUTHORS NOTE! You and Kuroko are Six years old in this story!


You admire the snow falling down from the sky, you love watching the snow, touching them, playing with them.

"Mom can I go outside! Pleeeease!" You begged insistently, tugging on your mom's apron.

"Okay, but don't get home late!" She said as she grabbed a scarf for you, wrapping it around your neck. Kissing your forehead before you rushed to the nearest park.

Your eyes sparkled as you saw the beautiful park filled with snow. You dived into the snow as you start to make a snow angel.

You felt like you was being watched but you don't see anyone nor felt any presence. As if someone invisible is watching you.

Drawing silly faces on the snow, you even planted your face on the snow to see if it'll make a copy of your face which did yet the snow was stuck on your face and it was really cold that it made you squeal.

Someone chuckled but with the snow all over your face making you unable to see.

Until you felt someone's tiny hand wiping off the snow out of your face. You was startled first yet you know that person is just helping you out.

"Ah..sorry." He apologized immediately knowing that you were alarmed through out his actions.

You opened your eyes as you saw a boy that's around your age and you notice his light blue hair reflecting from the sun.

Didn't realize your face was redden until he pointed it out.

"Are you okay?" he questioned as he planted his tiny palm on your cheeks making sure you were alright but that didn't help at all. He's very forward with his actions.

You shook your head. "T-thank you!" you stuttered.

He nodded when he was about to leave, your body moved by itself as you grabbed his wrist gently.

"D-do you want to build a snowman with me?" You're not the best at socializing with people but you felt like you could open up with this boy.

He turned to face you as you notice pink hinting on his cheeks. "Sure.." he replied with a gentle smile on his face.

4 Years After[A/N; Both of you and Kuroko are 10 years old!]

4 years passed by as you and Kuroko been best friends, it happens to be that your mother and his are in good company, so you often hang out with him.

"Tetsuya! Look is snowing!" You tugged on the boy's clothes as he turned to gaze at the snow through the window.

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