"Racket" Midorima x F!R x Murasakibara

285 4 3

Requested by Haharuru

Sorry if this took longer than it should be, I've got it all written out but I forgot its existence somehow.


The alarm rang alert through your ears that is time to wake up before you're late 'Again.'

Reaching out for the alarm clock, peeking through your exhausting eyes.

Half an hour are left for you to prepare and get to school before you get into another detention, you'll get your ass whoop'ed if you don't hurry up, not to mention your lovely childhood friends are probably already downstairs, waiting for you to be ready.


"[Y/N]-chin, wake up. The teachers are going to crush us."

"Wake your damn ass up! Hasten up otherwise we'll all get in trouble because of you!" Yelled from the another side of your door, which is definitely your 'Tsundere' friend.

"I would appreciate if you'll lower your volume Midorima! I don't want to go to school with bleeding ears." You teased him, putting him in his temper is your job.

He growled in annoyance as foot steps were heard fading, you immediately changed after that.


Leaving your heavenly bedroom is the biggest pain for you, just separating from it hurts you so much.

You rushed downstairs, the tasty breakfast is waiting for you.

"Good morning, everyone!" You greeted as your mom's eye twitched along with Midorima's.

"At least let me have my breakfast, will ya?" You begged, taking the seat.

Your wrist was pulled by Midorima but because of the sudden-ness you stumbled, causing you to fall on him. Putting you two in awkward position.

"Oh jesus, honey! Doing it in front of your mother? Young people these days!"


"I-is not like that..m-miss [L/N]!!"

Murasakibara on the other hand is surrounded by a whole new different aura, puffing his cheeks out.

You immediately realized the difference in the air, you grab a glimpse on Murasakibara expression as he avoided your glance, continuously having his cheeks puffed out along with a sullen pout.


"Oh sorry." You just realize you haven't moved from your awkward position yet as Midorima is also avoiding your eyes, with his face pure red, pushing his glasses up to be less obvious. You're rather confused with this matter about them not looking you into the eyes, which you find somewhat annoying.

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