"Welcome Back" Kasamatsu Yukio x Reader 2/2

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Y/N (Your Name)
L/N (Last Name)
A/N (Authors Note)
Y/A (Your Age)


You finally arrived to [Country] you immediately called Kasamatsu. He probably is sleeping right now because of the time differences.

But you tried anyways, but no budge. He's definitely sleeping so you decided to call again later or tomorrow.


"I'm here, mom." You said pushing the door open with your leg because your hands are full from carrying the luggage.

"I'm so glad you're here! We have so much to talk about." She cheered.

"You better! I didn't get all the way here for nothing." You said dropping your luggage to your room.

"Now, shall we start?" You said sitting on the couch, comfortably.

"Me and your Dad talked about it. You're going to continue your studies here."

Your jaw dropped by her words. "Why? My grades is fine! Why can't I continue my scholar at Japan?" You groaned.

"Honey, your grades is great but the payment is not. We would like you to stay here until you're able to handle yourself."

"I can't stay here."

"And why is that?"

"I have s-" You stopped before you slip out that you have a boyfriend in Japan. Your parents is strict, they're never going to let you back to Japan if they found out you're in a relationship.

"Never mind, as long as I'm able to handle myself I can go back to Japan right?"

"Until you're an adult." She followed up.

You sighed and walked away, "Where are you going?"

"For a walk."

You went to the nearest park, went for a jog to release some of the stress you got from your mother.

Your phone suddenly rang, you wanted to ignore it but you saw the called I.D 'Yukio-kun'

Didn't hesitate, you immediately answered the call.

"Sorry! I was asleep the time you called, how's things going there?" He cheerfully said, the urge to cry is too much for you. You can't believe you have to wait years before you can hear that voice again front by front.

"[Y/N], Hey are you there?" you sobbed yet continued to jog., wiping your tears with your palm

"Yeah.." you replied weakly. "Are you crying?! What happened?!" His voice turned pure worried.

"I'm sorry, is just that I-I.." Your phone accidentally slipped because of the water on your palm. It dropped onto the hard ground, when you're about to pick up your phone, a loud horn was beeping. you dodged the car but your phone is crashed into pieces.

"Asshole!" You yelled at the driver, he didn't even bother to stop for an apology, prick.


"I'm sorry, is just that I-I.." His chest tightened, starting to be worried.


Beep, beep, beep.

He checked the phone as it shows "Call Ended **/**/**"

He tried to call again, "We're sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service, please try again later."

Kasamatsu frowned, holding his phone to his chest.

Kuroko no Basuke [Various x Reader - One Shots / GIF Imagines etc..]Where stories live. Discover now