"Welcome Back" Kasamatsu Yukio x Reader 1/2

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Y/N (Your Name)

L/N (Last Name)

A/N (Authors Note)

Y/A (Your Age)

This is only part 1, there's a second one.

A/N; You're [Y/A] while Kasamatsu is 18, this is suppose to be a younger days of you both, so pick any 'young' age you want.


"Nooo!" you squealed as Kasamatsu tackled you, tickling your weakest spot.

"Take that!" he continues to tickles you on your sides.

"Waaa! I'm sorry! let me go-bwahah" you laughed trying to get out of his grasp. He let go as soon as you apologized, you were teasing him because you caught him playing with Tetsuya 2 earlier. A sight of him you never seen before and you thought it was super adorable!

"But you're still cute." You followed up as he growled and tackled you again, both of you collapsed on the couch, but this time he didn't tickle you, instead you two stayed in a comfortable position.

He's on the top of you, so you took advantage of that. you wrapped arms around him. The warmth is amazing, you loved having your arms 'round him since he fits just perfectly.

He smell good too and it didn't take long before you fell asleep.

"[Y/N]-" Kasamatsu looked up to check how you're doing just to find you in a deep sleep, he giggled because you looked funny when you're asleep. He escape himself from your grasp, carefully not to wake you up. He stood and carried you bridal style, he took you to the guest room, landing you on the bed.

He sneakily kissed you on the forehead.

"Goodnight, [Y/N]." He murmurs into your ears, before leaving the room.


"Time to wake up, little baby" You heard Kasamatsu as he shook you hard, you groaned half-asleep. You're not a morning person, let's be honest most of the people is the same as you.

"Five more minutes." you said as you grabbed the pillow and placed it on your head to reduce noises.

"I'm running out of patience here, [Y/N]" he snarled. You couldn't careless you just waved your hand at him guiding him outside.

"You just had to make me do it, huh?" he said before he starts to tickle you.

"Not a-again!" you stuttered as you grabbed his wrist before he become unstoppable. You switched your position to sitting. irritated that you have to wake up this early, but no. You peeked at the time is 8 am, you got 30 minutes to get to school.

"Why you didn't wake me up earlier!" you yelled as you quickly stood from the bed, opening the huge bag you brought since you know you're sleeping over at your boyfriend's house you prepared your uniform along with you. You grabbed your uniform.

"Yeah right, like you're so easy to wake." he said sarcastically you shot him a glare before pushing him out of the room.

"Whatever, I have to change so I would appreciate if you can leave." you said shutting the door on him.

"YOU"RE WELCOME!" You heard him yell as you giggled.

As you finished you stormed out of the room, grabbing your school bag.

"Breakfast?" he said placing the plate on the table.

"I'll take it!" You said as you put everything in your mouth, chewing it on your way to the school You heard Kasamatsu giggled.

"W-hmhat?" you tried to talk with your mouth full.

"I wonder what else could fit in that huge mouth of yours." He smirked. you threw the nearby napkin at him.

"P-mhmervert!" You cried as he laughed his ass to death. you grabbed another glance at the clock and you got 5 minutes left before arriving at the school. You still got the toast in your mouth, you hugged him before leaving. You waved him goodbye.

"See you after school!" he waved back.

You giggle, you ran as hard as you can.


You and Kasamatsu held hands on the way home. You phone suddenly rang, you couldn't think of anyone who would call you.

You checked the I D as it written "Mom"

"Do you mind?" you asked him as he shook his head. you picked up your phone.

"Hello mom?"

"[Y/N]? I would like you to come back to [Country] we had a slight issue here, we would like you to come back here."

"What?! Why?! Is too sudden mom!"

"Don't worry, we've talked to your Aunt about this, we've brought the plane ticket already, please just come here soon as possible."


"No more excuses, I'm hanging up." before you could speak she hanged up on you.

Kasamatsu has a slight worried on his face. "What's with all the hustle?"

You stared into his eyes.

"Mom wants me to go back to [Country]." you whispered as you approached him slowly, wrapped your arms around him, you wanted to cry because you don't want to be separated with him, not now, not ever.

"Stupid, why are you crying." as he messed your hair, his arms returned back to hugging you.

"I'm sure you'll be back." he said kissing your forehead, his voice is weak but he believe that you'll be back.

"You're right." You smiled at him that's enough to encourage him that you'll be back.

He flashed a smile back at you, cupping your chin, lifting your face. Your face redden because your face is so close to his.

He planted his lips on yours, you wrapped your arms tight around his neck, as you two fall deeper and deeper into the kiss.

He pulled back from the kiss, but still got his arms around you.

He kissed your nose. "Let's cuddle a little while before you go back to your aunt?"

"Sounds good to me." you muffle your head onto his chest.

Kuroko no Basuke [Various x Reader - One Shots / GIF Imagines etc..]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant