The Sister

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She was like the summer. Barely anyone appreciates her when she's here, but when she's gone, all they do is miss her.

As Cleo sat in the kitchen corner working on some photos she had taken during deployment, she heard an unmistakable rumble from across town. Leilani had just arrived on Cleo's roof with three of her guards; somehow, The Queen had found out what happened. She sighed to herself, knowing that this wasn't going to go well if Lei was here.

"Coulson, Vance!" Cleo called, not wanting to leave the kitchen and see Pedro's body.

"Baby girl?" Vance asked as they entered the kitchen.

"Queen Leilani just arrived at my apartment," Cleo sighed, "How did my sister find out?"

"You forget that I have a way of communicating with her too," Gibbs spoke, stepping into the kitchen.

"Why did you do that! She was safe!" Cleopatra yelled.

"Leilani needed to know that her best friend was in danger and that her brother had been murdered," Gibbs countered, not afraid to challenge the inhuman.

"After you had solved the case!" Cleo yelled, standing up quickly.

"Cas, stop," Leilani spoke, appearing in the room with her guards, "I knew something was wrong when you got home. I was already working on choosing my security detail when Gibbs reached out to me."

"You can't just appear here, Your Majesty," Cleo spoke, stepping back.

"She cleared it with me first," Coulson spoke up.

"I can't do this right now," Cleo whispered, rushing out of the kitchen, leaving her laptop open to a picture of Pedro.

"Cas," Leilani called before she noticed the reflection on her best friend's screen.

Lani slowly turned the computer around to see the image on the screen; it was a picture of Cleo and Pedro that Leilani had never seen before. The best friends had figured out how to communicate between dimensions, so Leilani received lots of photos of the couple all the time. She was one of the few people that knew Pedro and Cleopatra's relationship had become a real relationship, with the two of them falling in love.

"I've never actually seen this photo before

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"I've never actually seen this photo before. This must have been taken before Cleo deployed," Leilani sighed, leaning against the table looking at the photos.

"They were in love," Coulson whispered, looking at the photos as well.

"It happened a few years ago," Vance sighed, knowing how his niece felt about Pedro.

"Holy shit, you're the Queen of Andromeda!" Daisy breathed, stepping into the kitchen to ask Coulson what was wrong with Cleo.

"I came to check on my best friend and see my brother's body," Lani replied, nodding her head at Daisy.

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