I Know Who it is

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You can choose courage, or you can choose comfort. But you cannot choose both.

"Hey, Uncle Phil, do you still have my car in your garage?" Cleo asked.

"Which one?" he asked since most of his personal vehicles were Cleo's.

"Massachusettes," she smirked.

"Oh, yeah, you want to check on it? It's the only one in a private garage" Phil smiled back, knowing why the vehicle was important to her.

"Hey, Derek, can you come with me?" Cleo asked with a smile.

"Yeah, sure thing, baby sis," he smiled, following her.

"Why didn't you tell me about Savannah sooner? You know how to contact me, even in the field," Cleo asked, looking up at him, a slight glow in her eyes from using her powers.

"Because I knew you were still overseas, and I didn't want to just tell Pedro before you got home. It wouldn't have been right to tell you one at a time," Derek admitted.

"How were you going to tell LT?"

"I hadn't quite gotten that far with the plan," Derek chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I see the FBI still doesn't know about your secret. Does Hank have the gene?"

"I don't know how to tell Emily about being a pureblood alpha. I'm the last of my kind, CC. Any werewolves now are bit or the children of those that have been bit. She would tell me it's too dangerous for me to be in the field, and then I'd be out of a job." Derek argued, "And to answer your question? Yes, he does have the gene. I just don't know if it's pureblood like mine."

"Talk to LT later; she can test his blood and tell you. Savannah came from a long, strong line of witches, so there is a chance," Cleo smiled, "and I'll talk to Emily for you. You loved the BAU, and you shouldn't have to give that up."

"Wait! Savannah was a witch!" Derek exclaimed loudly.

"She didn't know. Her grandmother wouldn't let her mother teach her because she thought it would be safer. The white light in her drew her to medicine" she smiled kindly.

"Where are we going?" Derek asked, noticing they were going deeper and not towards the garage.

"All of the tricked-out cars Phil personally drives are mine, and he has a special garage where he keeps them. But one of them is very important and has its own private garage; that's where we're going" Cleo smiled, seeing they were getting close, and she could now see Phil left tools.

"What's so important about it?" Derek asked as they finally reached a locked door with a handprint scanner.

Placing her hand on the scanner, Cleo smirked as it started to open, "Pedro and I rebuilt this for you and LT as a wedding present."

A beautiful gold 1966 Pontiac GTO sat in perfect condition, and a large silver bow rested on the roof. After Leilani and Derek broke up, the couple had asked Phil to store the car for them until they found the right time to give one of them the GTO. Today felt like the right time, and with Derek's arrival, Phil knew it would be soon, so he had cleaned the car and put a bow on it.

 Today felt like the right time, and with Derek's arrival, Phil knew it would be soon, so he had cleaned the car and put a bow on it

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