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Magoa (n.) A heart-breaking feeling that leaves long-lasting traces visible in gestures and facial expressions.

As Derek and Leilani ran in, Cleo was breathing heavily in the corner with her knees to her chest. Emily had ice on the side of her head. Assessing the room, Derek noted electrical burns on the counter and part of the wall; and chunks of the wall had exploded out into the room. Leilani carefully approached Cleo, knowing that the chaos in the kitchen was CC losing control of her powers accidentally.

"I know who killed Pedro," Cleo whispered as a slight crackle of electricity came off her

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"I know who killed Pedro," Cleo whispered as a slight crackle of electricity came off her.

"Who?" Leilani asked with concerned eyes.

"The one woman that would have been angry if Pedro and I did get married. The same person he was supposed to marry before abdicating the throne in high school" Cleo shook, trying to shrink more into herself.

"Verena Rusalka," Lei sighed, sitting on the floor as well, "She can make herself fit through the eye of a sewing needle. She would be next in line if I didn't have a legal heir."

"Emily, I'm sorry," Cleo teared up as Emily came over.

"It's not the first time I've taken a knock to the head. I'm okay. Nothing a couple of ibuprofen and some ice won't fix. Are you okay? This person seems to really scare you," Emily reassured as she sat a safe distance from Cleo.

"Can everyone that isn't sitting with me leave? There are too many people in here." Cleo spoke, causing everyone left standing to leave. "Let's just put it this way; Verena is why there were such strict laws for different species of supernatural beings. Vampire and elf with the ability to control her physical state of being."

"It would have been one of the biggest political moves her father had ever made and would have saved their family financially. Money doesn't last when it covers up all the lives their family took over a century" Leilani sighed, knowing Cleo was right.

"How do we find her?" Derek asked.

"We don't. It's smarter to lure Verena out," Cleo sighed, knowing it meant using her as bate.

"That means putting you in danger," Lei spoke, shaking her head.

"That means putting us both in danger. Verena wouldn't have done this just to take me out. I'm an easy target on Earth. She knew you would come back from Andromeda by killing your brother and threatening my life. Your security at home is impenetrable, but here you are the most vulnerable," Cleo corrected, anger replacing the fear in her eyes.

"I know that look, Cas; you know how difficult it is to turn back. There's a reason it's called a curse," Lei warned, knowing what her sister was thinking.

"What are you talking about? There's not shapeshifting in your file," Emily asked in confusion.

"Are you familiar with the story of Cleopatra and some of the legends surrounding her?" Cleo asked.

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