The Horrible Past Pt. 1

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Just a little heads up "" means talking ** means thinking

Hello, my name is Ivy, Ivy Afton. I'm the second oldest Afton kid and this is my story.

~Ivy's POV~

*Today was another day in the life of me. I woke up to my twin brother Michael snoring away like a hippopotamus -_-. Got my revenge by jumping on the bed which threw him off onto the ground. He got mad at me but I just ignored it and got ready for school.

Once we were both ready for school we quietly left our shared room and sprinted to the front door before any of our family members could see us. We got to school, hung out with our friends, went to our classes, got bullied, hung out with our friends some more then went home.

Me and Mike bullied Chris, Eli tried to stop us then snitched to dad. Dad yelled at us and hit us then told us to go to our rooms. We didn't get dinner, then dad came in our room and beat us again, then we took showers and went to bed.

Sounds like a bad day right? Wrong, this is my normal daily routine. But today was a little bit different then most days.......*

*Me and Mike were laying on our shared bed when Mike said*, "Hey V?"

Oh yeah, forgot to mention, people call me V instead of Ivy most of the time, not really to shorten my name (I mean obviously since my name is only three letters as it is -_-) but just cause it sounds cool (and any BTS fans, no it is not your V so if I ever reference a character with the name V it's Ivy Afton not V, just wanted to make that clear and please don't take this as I'm being mean, I'm not, I just don't want you guys to assume or get confused while reading) but now that I told you guys, let's get back to my story, shall we?


"Do you ever wonder....."

I propped myself up with my arm and looked at Mike curiously wondering what he's gonna say

"Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we had been treated like Eli and Chris are."

"Huh? Life, you, Eli and Chris were treated equally? Is that what your saying?"




Gomen it's so short I got busy and forgot I was writing this then I forgot what I was gonna do next and I got kinda lazy since it's currently 11 o'clock while I'm typing this and I'm tired although I'm probs gonna stay up another 1 hour or so T>T but I'll try to make it up to you by making the next chapter longer and hopefully better than this but for now have a good day/night everyone :)

- TeamFalec4Ever

P.S. Might change my account name cuz I don't like this one as much anymore so if I do I'll let you know but for now you can just call me E_S or Emo_Slytherin until I do get my name changed

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