Do I......know her???

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Different POV ya'll ;)

~Lui's POV~

*Hmm why does she seem so....familiar..?*

*It's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't remember...*


This takes place when Liu is 10 and he and his family just moved into the neighborhood

*I was standing in front of my new house as the movers were bringing all of our furniture in, I was honestly scared of what would happen to me and my brother Jeff since we were now the new kids in town and while I was pondering over the idea I saw a girl out of the corner of my eye, she looked about my age-*

*Once I took a closer look at her I realized just how beautiful she really was,*

*Striking blue eyes that looked like they were the ocean contained in two orbs with pretty brown hair that glistened in the sun making it seem almost dirty blonde and also a raven black at the same time in the places where the shadows hit it which flowed gracefully in the wind.*

*She was wearing a lavender colored dress with daisies on it paired with lavender colored shoes with a single daisy on each shoe...*

*I was so mesmerized by her, and when I finally sort of brought myself back to reality I realized she was making a flower crown out of dandelions and she just then finished it and her face instantly light up with pride as she placed the dandelion flower crown on her head with a huge bright smile on her face*

*How can someone be so pretty and perfect, she's like a literal angel sent from heaven, wait, no, she's more like a goddess with her perfect face and pretty hair and-*


*I snap out of the trance I didn't even realize I was in when my mother screamed my name loud enough so the whole neighborhood probably heard which was embarrassing to think about considering I hadn't even been living here for a whole 24 hours yet*

"Whatttttt, mommmmm, and also, don't yell that loud you're gonna embarrass me before I even meet our neighbors and we haven't even fully moved in yet!"

"Are you sure you haven't really meet any of the neighbors?  Cause you were standing there for a good 10 minutes staring at that neighbor girl over there y'know.~( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

*My face instantly flushes a bright shade of red from embarrassment, and, maybe....something else..."


I didn't mean to wait, what, 3 to 4 months to post another chapter! I really didn't! I swear!

I won't make any excuses either, I had the time to write this, I just didn't, bonk me on the head and call me a baka if you like, I honestly deserve it(ーー;)

I also apologize for the fact that this is such a short chapter considering the fact that it took so long to come out. I was gonna make it longer but that seemed like a good place to stop and also I wanted to get this out already so you guys wouldn't wait any longer.

I shall try to get another chapter out at the very latest by this weekend and if I don't go ahead and spam me until I get on a schedule. Most likely a schedule where I post 1 to 2 chapters each week on the weekend.

Anyways, I'm probably just wasting your time at this point so, I'll stop now, and I apologize again for this being so short and coming out so late. Bye!

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