Who Are You...and Where Am I?!

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I've decided that I'm going to be posting every other weekend but I might not even stay on that schedule cause I'm a lazy bitch T>T (Edit: Wrote this when I first started this chapter and I definitely DID NOT follow this schedule lol XD)

Anyways let's not have you guys wait any longer onto the story!

~Ivy's POV~

I woke up in a pitch black room with a throbbing pain in my neck and I thought *Where am I?*

I tried opening my eyes before I realized that they were already open which probably meant that something was covering my eyes

I remembered a lesson I learned in one of my psychology classes and it was something along the lines of "When a human has 1 of 5 senses taken away usually the other 4 senses are increased even if just by a bit", so I decided to try to listen for anything that might tell me where I was

I tilted my head to the left a bit before I felt a sharp pain in my neck which caused me to gasp on instinct but it only made it worse, I tried to grab my throat but then I realized that my hands and feet were tied so I just fell to the ground face first which made the pain in my neck way worse

 I laid on the ground which felt like concrete as the pain got worse by the second, so much so that I didn't even hear the footsteps of someone coming down the stairs and coming up to me

Next thing I know I feel someone grab my shoulders and try to sit me up

They start speaking but before I could even register what their voice sounded like or what they were saying I screamed instinctively from being touched so suddenly by someone I couldn't even see

I start kicking in front of me hoping to get whoever had a hold of me away

I hear a OOF as my foot came in contact with the person's chest

As a feel of relaxation hits me knowing that whoever had been touching me wasn't in front of  me anymore I feel the same pain in my neck but way worse this time

As I start gasping for air I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders again but this time the pain in my throat was so bad that I didn't even bother getting the person away from me

They lifted me up and it was only then that I finally heard them

"Hey it's ok, don't freak out, we're not gonna hurt you, we just wanna help."

It sounded like a male possibly in his early to mid twenties but his tone of voice told me that I was safe and that he truly wanted to help me so I stopped panicking and tried to relax but the pain in my throat made it quite hard for me to do so but since I'd grown up depending on myself I tried to hide it but I guess I didn't do a very good job of it cause he said

"Your throat probably hurts doesn't it? I mean I wouldn't be surprised considering the state it was already in before you screamed, fell face first on the floor and thrashed around. Here you wait here I'll go get you something that should help."

I heard his foot steps recede before disappearing

I sat on the floor waiting for him to come back hoping the pain would either go away or not be as bad before he came back or after he came back

In what seemed like no time at all the man came back

"I'm back and I got this for you, it should hopefully help with the pain in your neck,"

I tilted my head to the side the tiniest amount to try to signal that I was confused as to what he was talking about that would help me since I still had something covering my eyes

It seemed like he understood though cause a few seconds later he said

"Oh! Right! Sorry about that I forgot to take that blindfold off you so you can see. I only had that on you cause boss said so until we know we can trust you but considering the state you're in right now, I don't think you're going to be able to do anything to harm any of us anytime soon."

The blindfold on my face got removed to reveal a man with brown hair, green eyes, and stitches on his face wearing a black jacket with a green shirt and blue jeans as well as a light grey and dark grey scarf

"There we go, anyways this is what I got that should help with your throat."

I looked at his hand and saw a container full of pills and an inhaler

I hesitated to grab it and he could tell cause he said

"I promise it'll help I'm not trying to kill you are anything,"

He mumbled something but I couldn't hear and since I couldn't question him about it I just took the pills and inhaler then used them in hope it would actually help my throat

"Oh I also got you this just in case."

He opened his other hand revealing another pill

"It's a sleeping pill y'know just in case your tired anytime soon and the pill hasn't kicked in yet and the pain in your throat won't let you fall asleep on your own."

I took the pill and ate it since I still felt tired even though I'd been unconscious for who knows how long

"Welp, since I got you what you needed I'll give you some privacy and I'll be on my way-"

Before he could leave I grabbed his pants signaling to him that I didn't want to be alone and thankfully he got the message cause he then said

"Buttttt, if you realllyyy want me to say then I guess I have a couple of hours worth of free time."

I smiled at him to tell him "thank you for staying" and he smiled back most likely saying "your welcome"

My vision started to get blurry and I suddenly got really tired so I carefully laid down making sure not to hurt my neck

Then a few seconds later, everything went black, and I was asleep again


Ok enough being dramatic but still! I'm really really really really really really realllyyy truly sorry for not posting a new chapter sooner and I know this is super short I've just been drained mentally and emotionally from school so I haven't really had the motivation to do this lately but I at last got this done for you guys TwT

Anyhoo I have Fall and Winter break coming up soon so that's 3 weeks worth of break! So if I don't post at least 2 chapters! Go ahead and yell at me to post to get my lazy butt workin again....TwT

Also let me know if your not happy with anything either in the description of the story or in the story itself and I'll maybe fix it if it's actually something helpful that would help the story and not hate or criticism ^w^


Hopefully I'll post another one either tomorrow or the day after that and if I don't......I most likely won't so never take my word for ANYTHING but I'll try

Ok now this is really good bye :)

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