The Horrible Past Pt 2

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~Ivy's POV~

"Well....I've actually never thought about life if we were treated the same as Liz and Chris"

"Really not even once?"



"Why have you?"

"Yes, I was actually thinking about it right now, that's why I asked you"

"Well what do you think it would be like?"

I turned around so I was lying on my belly and looked at Mike with curiosity clearly written all over my face since I've always been kinda nosy when it comes to other's thoughts since y'know you can't hear or see them so you never know what other's are thinking about which really makes you wonder what goes on inside their head which just makes you curious but ya

"Well.....I always thought it would be something like a normal happy family type of scenario, our parents love us and treat all of us equally, we have a good relationship with our siblings and we all just love each other....."

"That.....actually sounds pretty nice, to bad it'll never happen tho" I said clearly mad

I lay my head on my arms to try to cool off by getting rid of all the bad memories coming back from the past and close my eyes, after a minute or two I hear something, I look up and see Mike crying

My face immediately changes to a sad pity felt look, I knew Mike still had hope of fixing things and being a real whole happy family but I knew there was no hope of that happening and I keep trying to tell Mike that but even after all we've been through, somehow........he still has hope of it coming true

I crawled over to Mike and gave him a hug to try to calm him down

"Hey it'll be ok Mikey I'm sure that one day we'll be one big happy family and we'll get our happily ever after"

"Ya your right, we will one day"

"We should go to bed Mike, it's late and we have school tomorrow"

"Ya we probably should, I'm tired anyways"

So we each took a shower, got into our pj's, laid down and went to bed, well, Mike went to bed while I tried to but couldn't so I ended up just laying in bed and staring at the ceiling for 2 hours

"Ugh, I can't sleep"

Putting my arm over my eyes I finally gave up on trying to sleep and sat up

"What time is's already 2:00 am?!"

*Ugh curse you anxiety and insomnia*

*Hmmmmm, what should I do cause clearly I'm not gonna be able to go to sleep anytime soon*

I got up and went to the kitchen deciding that I would get some water to hopefully help me fall asleep or something like that, but as I walked to the doorway I saw William standing in the kitchen

*Shit, I thought he was asleep better leave before I get caught*

I tried walking away but I forgot about the one loose floor panel in the dining room so while I was trying to quietly walk away I stepped on it and there was a loud CREAK


William quickly turns around and sees me standing there


"I-I'm sorry I was just-"


I stood there shocked while William started yelling and pushed me down


After about 30 minutes of that I went back to my room all beat up and covered with blood

"God I hate that man"

I cleaned myself up and changed out of my bloody clothes into fresh clean ones then layed back down in bed next to Michael

(Just as some side info Michael and Ivy share a bed cause William doesn't want to buy another bed for them and had them share a room since he said it would be a waste of time,money, energy and space giving each of them their own bed and room anyways back to the story)

I quietly and carefully got on the bed so I wouldn't wake up Mike and I layed on my side and propped myself up with my arm

Sigh "Why do you still have hope in that retched man brother"

I layed down and covered my eyes with my arm

After a minute or two I layed down facing Mike and was about to fall asleep but before I did I whispered

"You'll pay for what you did to me and Mikey one day.....

William Afton......"

End of Chapter 2, hope you guys enjoyed! Had to sneak onto my computer at midnight to finish writing this for you guys haven't gotten caught yet though so :D. Anyways I probably won't post another chapter until the weekend so sorry ya'll but you gotta wait for another update ;-;. But for now goodbye! Have a wonderful day/night everyone!

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