The Horrible Past Pt. 3

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(I'd just like to apologize in advance if this goes by fast this is mainly going to be about the Afton Family's deaths plus my OC's death, well that is if I get to it ;-; , so this one might be longer but with little new info so feel free to skip this chapter if you wish but I recommend reading this just in case this does include something important because !spoiler alert!: I planned n o t h i n g out, I'm just going with the flow for this book pls do not hate me for this T>T, anyways enough ranting onto the actual chapter)

~Ivy's POV~

"C'mon crybaby why are you so scared" mine and Mike's friend Simon said, it was Chris, Mikey and me's little brother's, birthday and us and our good friends, Simon, Mark and Fredrick, (and as side info we all have fnaf 1 character masks, Mike: Foxy, Simon: Bonnie, Mark: Chica, Fredrick: Freddy and me: Golden Freddy even though I wanted a fox mask to so I could match Mikey's animal)  decided to play a prank on Chris as our "birthday gift" from us to him, and as our "gift" we decided we would give a close up look at Fredbear and we couldn't wait to see his reaction, "It's not that scary you crybaby, people would love to be in your shoes right now be lucky we're even doing this for you" Mark said "Ya Chris be thankful we got you such a good gift now give Fredbear a big 'ol kiss to show how much you love him" Fredrick said then we put Chris's head in Fredbear's mouth "Guys stop! I'm scared!!" Chris said "You jerk's put Chris down! If he said he's scared then you shouldn't continue to do it!" Lizzy said

"Oh please, he gets scared when we would jumpscare him and we didn't stop doing that now did we?" Me, Mike and our friends laughed, "Guys! I think something's wrong with the robot! I just heard something like a bolt getting loose, please get me out now!" Chris screamed "Oh come on only a little bit longer then we'll get you out of there you dramatic crybab-" I started to say while rolling my eyes before I heard I loud SQUISH like clang

I looked at Fredbear in shock and horror taking in what just happened, the robot's mouth had just closed while Chris was still inside and all you could see was me, Mike and our friends holding Chris's body that was previously thrashing around now still with his head barely visible with all the blood on it and the robots jaws around his head

Everything after happened so fast I barely remember it, paramedics getting Chris out of the robot's mouth and taking him away on a stretcher to the hospital with mom getting in the ambulance with them, driving in the car with Mike, Lizzy and dad after our friends parents dragged them into their respective vehicles and drove away before they got in trouble most likely

Got to the hospital to hear that Chris didn't make it, me and Mike went home and received a huge beating from our father while we just sat there quietly sobbing knowing we both deserved it for what we just did, went to Chris's funeral and life after that was like living half blind in both eyes from how hazy it was, after that day I lost feeling to pain and became partly emotionless but tried not to show it so Mike wouldn't get even worse than he already was

~A few months after the incident~

"Liz!" Mike screamed trying to find her, we were at dad's work and Lizzy ran off without anyone noticing so we were trying to find her before dad realized and we got an even worse beating than we get daily now "Liz I know you hate us but please come out before dad gets mad or worried!" I yelled out trying to convince Liz to come out from where ever she was hiding at, we walked into Circus Baby's auditorium first knowing that was probably where she was since she kept bothering dad to go see her ever since dad had finished her

"Liz please come ba-" SCREAM, CRUNCH me and Mike just stared at Circus Baby processing what we just saw, we walked in seeing Liz going to take an ice cream from Circus Baby which seemed ok and pretty normal until Circus Baby grabbed Liz with a claw and pulled her inside her stomach splattering Lizzy's blood all over the stage and the animatronic

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