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Sunday morning came like a blink of an eye. The sunlight lit up Chaeyoung's room. She firstly rubbed her bleamy eyes then walked to her window and saw how the wind blew some leaves from a big tree outside. She then went to her bathroom to freshen up, it took her a while to finish and when she did, she was greeted by the woman who she left sleeping on the couch just a while back. It's amazing how Mina still managed to look radiant even in her pajamas and messy hair.

"Good morning, Chaeng." Mina smiled and looked at her phone. "You're up early. Do you need anything? Is there something wrong?"

"Oh no. I had enough sleep." Chaeyoung chuckled as she walked out the bathroom. "I'm fine, unnie. But I'm actually hungry."

The two girls went downstairs after Mina freshen up, they were welcomed by an overflowing breakfast table. They have pancakes, bacons, eggs, cereals and fruits.

"I bought you strawberries." Seulgi smiled at Chaeyoung showing her a bowl of strawberries.

The smaller girl was shocked. She was just thinking to ask them buy her some and now she have it. "Thank you, unnie. I've been craving for this."

"Mina, did you get enough sleep?" Irene asked, noticing the girl's tired eyes.

"Yes, unnie." Mina smiled, lie. She wasn't able to sleep properly last night, part of her doesn't want to. Afraid she'll get the same dream. Some parts of her really want to stay awake just in case Chaeyoung would need something and good thing she have her music assignment to busy herself with.

They all finished their breakfast and Irene proceeded to washing the dishes while the three other girls stayed in the living room. Seulgi decided to plug the PS5 Irene gifted to her and play games. What is sunday without relaxing and enjoying, right?

"Mina, are you a worthy opponent?" Seulgi asked the girl with a serious tone which made Mina chuckled.

"Are you sure you want to fight me, unnie?" Mina responded imitating the seriousness in Seulgi's voice.

"It would be your downfall." Seulgi grinned.

The two started to pick their characters in Tekken. And their just in 1st round but the room is already surrounded by competitiveness. Chaeyoung only see Mina this focus and competitive during their sophomore year, the time when Mina joined a science quizbee where she received 1st place medal. It's not surprising though, Chaeyoung knows and she heard how competitive Mina is with everything. On the other hand, Seulgi is just the same, being an outstanding lawyer, she've mastered the art of winning. She never lose to anyone but Irene. Ofcourse, her girlfriend is an exception.

"What's happening here?" Irene asked as she sat beside Chaeyoung. "Is it just me or this room feels weird?"

"That's their competitiveness you're feeling." Chaeyoung answered pointing the two girls who are now standing with their controllers. "I'll bet you, Mina-unnie would win."

Rumors has it, Mina is an online gamer. Some even said she joined an online game competition and as usual, won the first place. She can also build an entire mansion during survival mode in minecraft.

"Yah!!! Mina-yah!" Seulgi's voice echoed the room after Mina won the 1st round.

Watching the two is like watching two kids. One, winning and the other is doing everything to win.

"Unnie! Don't cheat! Stop pulling my controller!" Mina shouted. Atleast for Mina she's already screaming but what registered to other's ears is just a normal talking voice.

The two had played atleast 20 matches because Seulgi can't accept Mina defeated her. After winning, Mina bowed to the older girl and apologise. Which made Irene and Chaeyoung burst into laughter.

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