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Hey guys, I know it has been a LONG time since I uody, even though I said I was back... I originally wanted to get my draal x reader caught up to this book before continuing this story, but there has been a change of plans.

I love this story, but I've found it tiring to write. The story was being kept cannon to events in the show, which left little room for creative freedom. The reader is also in a supportive role, and was ment to transition to a more leader role in the future. This has been akward to write in this story as she feels like she's just taking along, and not even as the major supporting role. That role would go to Toby, and when Claire eventually join the group, the reader would've been pushed back to last place. I mean her role here is as Jim's best friends' sister. His best friend and his girlfriend take up his biggest supporting roles next to him, the main character. 

The supporting role works in my draal x reader because the reader is Jim's sister, so she plays a large role in comparison. I've been facing the same difficulties with story writing restrictions with that book as well, which I have already made I post about which would be great if you guys checked out.

A solution presented itself with the Rise of the Titans movie though, which was exactly what I needed. Toby becomes the new troll Hunter, and the new main character of the second timeline. If this story was part of that timeline, it would make the reader the biggest supporting role as his sister. I feel she would be more natural to write, and it would also share as a coming of age story for her, to grow into a leader role alongside her brother.

Rewriting this story in the new timeline would also give me a lot more creative freedom, while still keeping true to the cannon. Nothing is set in stone for the new timeline so I could really make it my own. I would include a chapter in the beginning going over the first timeline and the changes the reader casued, so the events of this story so far would be cannon to the first timeline.

To learn my full thoughts on all of this, please check out the Post I just made on my Draal x reader.

I would love to hear your opinions and thoughts on all of this, as they and you all are very important to me. So please comment below, or even message me privately if you would like.

Also I am planning on making more Tale of Arcadia books in the future, and more info will be released in a future post.

AAARRRGGHH!!! X Reader The Troll's FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now