6. Jealousy

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Y/n's pov

I'm just in room my craving ice cream so I go downstairs and ask anybody that they want some from the ice cream shop. Pietro asked can he go the with me. " We was talking about the baby for awhile, then we made it to the shop. I ordered a swirl with sprinkles and pietro got a plan chocolate. As we was walking out a girl bumps into him.

" OMG I'm so sorry," no it fine. " I'm Jessica, "pietro.

"I kind of spilled my drink on you. How about I make it up to you by getting you coffee tomorrow. "I don't know why but seeing a girl flirting with Pietro makes me so mad like I seriously want to punch her in the face. They Started flirting even more so I just left and went to the car.

(10 minutes later)

"Hey why did you leave? I" didn't want to watch you and tesscia flirt all day". "Oh your jealous and it's not tesscia it's Jessica. "No "yes you are," no I'm not. "Then why don't you like her? " I just don't like her do I have to have a reason.

" Yeah" no I don't have to have a reason can you just drive." okay then we get back to the compound I go sit next to Wanda and nat. "hey guys.

"Hey what's wrong you look upset. "Your brother is getting on my nerves. "What do did he do now. "He accused me of being jealous that's what he did. "Why would he think you're jealous."

"Because when we was walking back to the car a girl bumped into him and waste her drink on his shirt then she introduced herself is she invited him out for coffee and I went back to the car.

"You sound pretty jealous if you ask me. "What how? " I mean she's right you got the girl name wrong and the way you just described her you sound pretty jealous". I'm not jealous ugh. You know what I'm just going to go to my room. And with that I left I was thinking about what wanda and nat said.

And maybe I was jealous but only a little bit. I still don't understand why was I jealous. Then it hit me I was jealous because I'm totally in love with pietro.

(Two weeks later)

Pietro pov

It been two weeks since I met Jessica and now we're officially dating and I'm happy but something been off with y/n every time I talk about Jessica she gets annoyed and Everytime Jessica comes over she just stays in her room till she leaves. I went to y/n room and knock on the door. "Come in hey pietro what's up.

"Nothing what wrong," what do you mean?." I mean Everytime Jessica comes over you stay in the room or Everytime someone talks about her or even say her name you get annoyed so what's wrong. "Nothing, " okay look I know you don't like her but could you like get along with her for me please. "Fine, " thanks I hug her with that I leave

Y/n's POV

"Why don't you like her Pietro said "because I'm in love with you i said in my head I don't know she just gives me a weird vibe "well can you please get along with her "I guess but only for you " thanks and with that he pulls me into a hug

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