Challenge Accepted

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Virgil and Patton challenge their boyfriends.

It takes two to tango after all~


Roman and Logan did NOT like working together.

But when both are challenged, their rivalry turns into a joint agreement of proving the others wrong.

What may be the challenge, you ask?

It was for them to show that they can work together and accomplish tasks that require two people for it to be executed.

Virgil and Patton wanted their boyfriends to get along, so they used Roman and Logan's stubbornness and competitiveness to their advantage.

The two managed to cook a meal together, play board games, and even have a good game of tennis— all while maintaining their civil demeanors.

Virgil wasn't surprised by it. Nope.

He and Patton knew their partners were on the same level as the other, them having distinctive views and opinions doesn't change the fact that, once their minds are set on something, they intend to accomplish whatever said task may be and focus on doing that without so much as a complaint.

Now, Virgil couldn't help but wonder how well they'd do when they're faced with the ultimate pair activity...


So, with a sly smirk and a giddy Patton by his side, he presses play on his phone, tango music erupting from the Bluetooth speakers, just as Roman and Logan enter the room.

"Uh... What is going on?" Logan asks the moment he catches sight of the two Sides staring at him and Roman expectantly.

"Come on, Logiebear! Dance!" Patton encourages, a wide grin spread across his face.

Roman glances towards Virgil questioningly, the only answer he receives from him is a casual shrug and a, "You don't back out from challenges, remember?"

A spark ignites in both the Creative and Logical Side.

Another challenge?

A challenge they can no doubt pull off?

Challenge accepted.

(Watch the video above. Logan's the girl, Roman's the guy)

Logan and Roman shared a playful yet serious glint in their eyes as they began moving in sync, their movements logical and patterned yet creatively thought up.

Virgil and Patton could only gawk at the two performing before their eyes.

Who knew Logan had that in him? Patton was probably drooling over his hot boyfriend right now.

And Roman... Holy shit. Virgil may or may not be having a problem down below.

The music stops, and the two finish with a pose, their faces only a few inches apart.

"Nice moves back there, Nerd."

"You weren't so bad yourself, Prep."

Roman and Logan turn back towards their boyfriends, seeing them blushing so hard their faces looked like solanum lycopersicums.

"So, how'd we do, boys?" Roman questions with a triumphant smile.

All Virgil and Patton could utter was, "shit." before dramatically fainting next to one another.

Logan chuckles and shakes his head, "I take it they found our performance quite satisfactory."

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