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"Ugh, where am I?" Hunter asks as he slowly wakes up.

Just then he hears the sound of a sliding door.

Looking around him he finds that he's in a very Japanese looking room. Even the bed does not look like something westerners would make. Although he thought Japanese used mats.

Next to the bed is a desk with a shining lamp. The chair seems to have been pulled out in a hurry.

He assumes that it was probably done by the person who just left the room.

Then the door slides open again, revealing a being Hunter had only ever seen online.

It was a large man wearing traditional Japanese garb. Only this man was more like an animal than a man.

He was covered in thick grey fur and had a wolf face. By the movement of the man's body as he breathed and the way his eyes looked Hunter up and down, the boy could tell that he was not looking at a suit.

"I'm not on Earth anymore am I?" The boy asks, more for himself than anyone else.

"Is that the place you are from?" A feminine voice from behind the man asks.

Just then a female wolf dressed in a white and red kimono walks past the man into the room.

"It is." Hunter replies, still too awestruck to realise that he was talking to something that clearly wasn't human.

"Tell me, what is your name?" The woman asks sitting in the chair.

"It's Hunter. My name is Hunter." The boy responds.

When he looks into the woman's deep blue eyes he can't help but get lost in them.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Hunter. You may call me Ruriko. And that is my brother Hayato." The woman says, pointing first at herself then at her brother.

Hayato bows slightly when he is introduced.

"Forgive me for asking, but what species are you from? I've never seen one like you nor have I ever heard of a place called Earth." Ruriko asks.

"I'm a human. Earth is our planet. But somehow I was brought here. My friends! I need to find my friends!" Hunter says, trying to get out of the bed.

But in an instant, Hayato has his hand on Hunter's shoulder.

"It is best that you rest. I have already sent out search parties to look for more like you, but they have found none." Hayato says.

"I need to help. They could be hiding. If they hear my voice they'll come out. It's not been that long since we got here." Hunter replies as he starts to panic a little.

Then he notices how both Ruriko and Hayato look away at his mention of time.

"How long have I been here?" He asks as that nauseating feeling returns.

"You, have been asleep for three days. Whatever it was that brought you here, drained a lot out of you." Ruriko replies.

"And, we've found no evidence or news of more like you. Most likely your companions are either dead, or still on Earth." Hayato adds.

Hunter looks at Hayato's face for even a glimpse of insincerity, but he finds none.

"Come Hayato. Let us leave him alone for now." Ruriko says, pulling her brother with her.

Once they are gone Hunter breaks down and starts sobbing uncontrollably.

The thought that he could either be stranded in a strange world with strange people was already difficult to handle. But to him the worst thing was the thought that his friends could all be dead.

For hours he sobbed. Even when the tears would no longer come he sobbed.

Until he had an idea.

Not wanting to foster false hope he thought it through. And when he was done thinking he was about to stand up to find Ruriko and Hayato.

Then someone lightly knocks on the door.

"Hunter? It's Ruriko. I've brought you something to eat." He hears the familiar voice of Ruriko.

"Please come in." Hunter replies.

Then the door slides open and Ruriko steps inside.

Behind her is Hayato carrying a tray. He places the tray on the table next to Hunter.

On the tray Hunter sees a bowl of soup with wooden spoon.

"I'd like to ask you something." Hunter says, turning to look at Ruriko, who questioningly tilts her head.

"When I was sent here I came here alone. But back on Earth I was almost touching the others. It's possible that we were all sent here, but in different locations." Hunter explains.

When neither of the siblings replies he continues.

"I'd like your help with finding my friends. I know it's a lot to ask, but please. I'm begging." He asks, bowing his head.

Hayato looks at Ruriko who is clearly thinking it through.

"Tell me boy, how old are you." She asks him.

Hunter's surprised by her question but, nevertheless he answers.


Ruriko nods.

"Then, no."

Hunter is shocked by her reply while Hayato merely raises an eyebrow.

"You are barely more than a child. You would die before ever finding them. Or worse you may be captured and sold to the highest bidder. The best thing for you is to stay with us." Ruriko explains.

Hunter's expression becomes one of heartbreak and disappointment.

"Please. They mean everything to me." Hunter says.

"I understand that, but I can't let you go out there in search of them." Ruriko replies.

"Sister..." Hayato says, but he's cut off by Ruriko who raises her hand in a gesture for him not to speak.

"As I was saying, it is best that you stay here. We will teach you how to survive in this world. During your stay with us we will see what we can learn about your friends. Information that is not known now may become known later. And in return you will work for us. You will be fed, clothed and much better off than many others."

For the first time Hayato looks somewhat surprised. But this quickly becomes a smirk of respect and admiration.

Hunter looks at the woman for a moment before starting to cry once more.

"Thank you." He says while crying.

Later that night Ruriko is sitting in her garden, gazing up at the stars.

"I was surprised back there." Hayato says from his place standing behind his sister.

"Oh?" Ruriko asks in response.

"I had wondered how you would treat the boy, considering that he is not one of us. Although I should have guessed you'd be as kind as ever." Hayato explains.

"You make me sound like a better person than I truly am brother. I only did what I thought was right." Ruriko replies with a sad smile.

"You may not believe it sister, but you are a good person." Hayato comments.

"You are wrong brother. I am merely attempting to atone for my sins." Ruriko responds.

"I have a feeling that the boy may help us all find atonement." Hayato says.

"Now I am even happier I chose to help him. Afterall, your instincts are never wrong." Ruriko says, glancing at her brother's vague shadow beside her.

Then she looks up at the large white moon above them.

A moon that seems to be looking down at her with disappointment and disgust.

Fursekai: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now