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With the pleasant sound of singing birds filling his ears, Hunter opens his eyes.

At first he wonders if the events of the previous day had all been a bad dream. But thoss hopes of his are soon destroyed.

"Good morning." Hayato says.

Hunter then turns his head to look at the man who's standing in the doorway.

"Can I be honest?" Hunter asks.

"I prefer people who are honest." Hayato replies.

"I'm not happy to see you. Or this house." Hunter says, bluntly.

"Why would you be. If I were in your shoes I'd rather be returned to the place of my origin." Hayato responds.

This entire time he hasn't shown any emotion whatsoever.

"One of our servants has prepared breakfast and clean clothes for you. Of course I had to bring it in as they'd discover your identity otherwise." Hayato says, nodding at the table next to Hunter where a bowl of strange cereal can be seen. Next to it is a disassembled outfit.

"Once you are done getting dressed, you are to come with me." Hayato orders before stepping out of the room.

After eating the strange cereal, which tasted a lot like corn flakes, Hunter get's out of the bed and puts on the clothes Hayato had pointed at.

The first part is a pair of black, baggy pants more suited for dancing or parkour than anything else. At least they were comfortable.

Next was a kimono like shirt that was held together by straps around the chest area.

After that came the gloves and Samurai style leather bracers.

Lastly he threw the hood over his head before putting on the black, full face dragon mask.

Just as he was about to leave the room he spun around and grabbed the shoes off of the table.

They were surprisingly modern and would likely hold up incredibly well against hiking boots.

After throwing them on, along with the socks they came with, he felt he was ready to go outside.

And so he ventured forth out of the safe confines of his room. And like any teenager, he only did so because he was told to.

"You look suitably threatening with that outfit. Come, you have lots to learn." Hayato says, leading Hunter down the hall.

"First I shall introduce you to lady Yui." Hayato tells Hunter.

Hayato leads Hunter to a large garden with khoi ponds, oriental dragon sculptures and cherry blossom trees.

In the garden is a small table with two people sitting on either side of it.

They are drinking tea from European style cups instead of traditional Japanese tea cups.

Hunter recognises one of them as Ruriko. The other one is a mystery to him.

"Sister. I have brought him as requested." Hayato says to his sister.

"Thank you brother." Ruriko replies, looking Hunter over.

"I must say, you look rather frightening in that outfit. Wouldn't you rather have a more colourful mask?"

"No thanks. This mask fits well with the rest of the outfit." Hunter replies, shaking his head.

"I suppose that is true." Ruriko comments, sounding a bit disappointed.

"Oh but where are my manners. Hunter, this is Yui. Yui, I'd like to introduce you to Hunter. He will be staying with us from now on." Ruriko says, introducing Hunter to the stranger with Ruriko.

The stranger is a wolf girl around the same age as Hunter. She's wearing a red flower pattern kimono. Unlike Ruriko who has deep blue eyes, Yui has dark brown eyes that almost look black.

"It is a pleasure to meet you." Hunter says, bowing in the traditional Japanese fashion.

As far as he can tell, these people are not exactly like the Japanese back on Earth although it's clear that they do follow many of the same rules of etiquette.

"Uhm, the pleasure is all mine." Yui replies, bowing awkwardly in return.

"Yui, this boy will be your Shadow. But, keep in mind he has yet to start his training." Ruriko tells the younger girl.

"I didn't know I needed a Shadow. I rarely leave the house afterall." Yui replies, tilting her head in confusion.

"That may be true, but I'd still like to play it safe. Also, once Hunter becomes more capable as your Shadow, you may leave the house more often. Provided he goes with you of course." Ruriko explains.

Suddenly Yui's eyes light up like those of a child when they see presents under the Christmas tree.

"Really? Oh thank you lady Ruriko!" Yui says, rushing over to hug Ruriko.

Ruriko gives her a slight hug in return. From her smile Hunter can tell that she's just as happy as Yui.

"Forgive me for asking, but are you mother and daughter?" Hunter asks, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Heavens no. I'm not nearly old enough to be the mother of a fifteen year old." Ruriko replies with a soft chuckle.

"You see Hunter, I am in truth much younger than I look. Tell me, how old do I look to you?"

"Uhm? Thirty five?" Hunter replies, trying not to offend her.

Suddenly Ruriko starts laughing. Her laughter fills the air, spreading like music.

"Oh dear. I suddenly feel quite old. I'm twenty one dear Hunter. I've just had a difficult life." Ruriko explains, barely able to hold back her laughter.

"Hayato over there is the old one. He's pushing forty." Ruriko says, pointing at Hayato.

"Tsk. You make it sound like I'm an old man. I can still fight better than many a younger man." Hayato responds.

"True. Speaking of. Hunter, you will be training under Hayato so that you may guard Yui. I apologize for having you do it, but we are very short-handed and I would like her to have more freedom than she currently does." Ruriko says, turning back to Hunter.

"I understand. You saved my life and even promised to help me find my friends. This is the least I can do." Hunter replies.

"On that note, I believe it is time you come with me." Hayato tells Hunter.

"Right." Hunter replies, following the man who would train him.

"What do you think of him?" Ruriko asks Yui.

"I'm not certain. He seems sincere and honourable. But I also get the idea that he's worried about something. It would help to see his face." Yui replies as she looks at the corner Hunter had disappeared behind.

"I'm of the same opinion. But, I'm afraid you won't be seeing his face any time soon. In fact you might never see it." Ruriko says.

"I know it can't be easy trusting a stranger with your life. A stranger who's face you may never see. But please Yui, trust him." Ruriko tells Yui, her face becoming one of worry.

"I do trust him. Because I trust you." Yui replies, flashing Ruriko a brilliant smile.

A smile Ruriko hoped she could soon share with the world.

Fursekai: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now