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A year has gone by since Hunter had started living in this new world.

Currently Ruriko is busy talking to Hayato.

"How is his progress?" She asks him.

"Unexpectedly fast. He has a good eye for technique and is undeniably a hard worker."

"That's good. Although you've no doubt been a good mentor to him." Ruriko says.

"Although I imagine you're not just here to tell me of Hunter's progress." She adds.

"No. I have been invited to an old friend's wedding ceremony." Hayato replies.

Ruriko looks surprised.

"Oh? How long will you be gone?"

"If I go, about a month." He responds.

"If? You should go Hayato. You are becoming an old man, so you should enjoy your life more often." Ruriko says with a mischievous smirk.

"I'm thirty nine. I'm not an old man just yet." Hayato replies as if irritated.

"But you will be one soon. And I know, better than anyone, that she would not want you to waste your life in solitude." Ruriko says, her tone suddenly sad.

"I know she wouldn't. But, I have a duty to protect her child." Hayato replies.

"Hayato she..."

"Please sister. I will go. But I will leave my student here." Hayato says, interrupting her.

Ruriko nods in response.

Meanwhile, Hunter is sitting next to a small river with Yui. Each has a fishing rod in hand.

"I can't believe I haven't caught a single fish." Yui says, dejected.

"This is your first time fishing. I didn't catch my first fish till my third trip." Hunter replies as he pulls out a sizeable fish.

"Besides, there's more luck involved than skill."

Then he notices Yui looking at him strangely.


"I think this is the first time I've heard you speak of your past." She replies.

"Oh. I guess this is the first time I've had a reason to bring it up." He says, looking up at the sky.

"What was it like? Your past." She asks him.

"Nothing special. I lived with my mother and would often go on trips with my friends."

"And your father?" She asks.

"Died two years ago." He replies.

Hunter's about to say that it was a car accident when he remembers that this world doesn't have that kind of technology yet.

"He got run over by a wagon." He says instead.

"What about your parents?" Hunter asks Yui.

"I neved knew them. My mother died when I was a baby. I was never told anything about my father. I've lived with lady Ruriko for as long as I can remember. If I didn't know any better I'd think that she was my mother." Yui explains.

Suddenly Yui's fishing rod twitches. She then struggles with it a bit before pulling out a fish the size of a shoe.

"Look Hunter, I got one!" She says, her eyes lighting up.

"It seems you're luckier than me." Hunter replies, patting the head of a very pleased Yui.

"Come on, it's getting late." Hunter says standing up.

Once the two reach the house Yui immediately shows the fish to Ruriko.

"Look lady Ruriko. I caught a fish!" Yui says, excited.

"Oh my. I wasn't aware you knew how." Ruriko replies with a maternal smile.

"Hunter taught me." Yui explains.

"I see. You should go show Hayato." Ruriko tells Yui.

Once Yui is gone she turns to Hunter.

"Didn't you catch any?"

"I already handed them in at the kitchen." He replies.

A few moments of silence goes by between them.

"Thank you." Ruriko says.

"For what?" He asks in response.

"For teaching her new things and for being a good friend to her." Ruriko explains.

"It's my pleasure. She's fun to be around so it's only natural to help her have more fun." Hunter replies, blushing a bit under his mask.

"True. But Yui has always been somewhat of a sheltered girl you see. So whenever I see her this happy I myself feel happier. And for that I am very grateful to you." Ruriko explains.

Hunter is about to say something when Ruriko suddenly pulls him closer to her and hugs him.

"It's not just Yui. All of my servants have been telling me good things about you. How you help the women carry heavy loads or how you help the older men with their work."

Hunter doesn't know what to say so instead he just hugs her back.

"You make it sound like I'm a good person." He says.

"Aren't you?" Ruriko asks confused.

"No. The truth is I'm lonely and afraid. Afraid that I'll die and be forgotten. So I go out of my way to be kind, hoping that it'll make me feel better." Hunter explains.

"I'm not a good person. I'm selfish. Even now, despite everything you've done for me I wake up wishing that I'd rather have woken up back on Earth."

Ruriko suddenly finds that she doesn't know what to say.

But she knows what she feels.

She feels her heart being torn to pieces for him while simultaneously being grateful that he's telling her these things.

Suddenly she hears the sound of footsteps coming their way.

"The others are coming." She whispers, reluctant to let go.

But, nevertheless, they do seperate.

"I've finished packing and will be leaving within the hour." Hayato says, a happy Yui following behind him.

"What happened here?" He suddenly asks, lifting his eyebrow while looking at Hunter and Ruriko.

"Nothing you need concern yourself with." Ruriko replies, somewhat bashful.

Yui just looks at the exchange in confusion.

"In any case. Hunter, I'll be gone for about a month, so I'll be leaving their safety in your hands." Hayato says, looking at Hunter.

"Yes sir." The latter replies while giving a slight bow.

The next three days went by as slowly as ever. Except Hunter now had to train by himself.

Luckily he had a book that Hayato had given him for the month. It was on a subject called Channeling.

During those three days, he barely had any contact with Ruriko as she had spent most of that time in her study, going over important documents.

Three days of relative peace, soon to be shattered.

Fursekai: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now