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"You've been working very hard ever since Hayato left." Yui comments, watching Hunter practice the techniques he's been learning from the book.

"You make it sound like I didn't work hard before." Hunter replies.

"What I mean is that you've been pushing yourself much harder than usual. I'm worried that you could be overdoing it." She explains.

"Don't worry, I won't overdo it. I know my limits by now and I won't recklessly cross them. I'm only trying to push them higher." Hunter says, taking a break.

"In any case, it's getting dark so we should probably be headed to our quarters now. You need to get ready for dinner afterall." Hunter tells Yui.

Obviously a little disappointed, Yui says goodbye and goes to her room.

Hunter also starts making his way to his own room which is close enough to Yui's room that he can hear if she called for help.

On his way he decides to make a detour to check on the other staff.

They all greet him with hearty laughs and friendly waves. The cook, being a large hippo, even pulls him into a bear hug.

Once he's done checking on them he goes to check on the master of the house.

As he's walking to her room he notices that their is light coming from her study.

Before going in he knocks on the door just hard enough for her to hear but not too hard to startle her.

"Come in." He hears her voice. The voice that makes him feel relaxed whenever he hears it.

"Oh, Hunter? Just the person I needed to see." Ruriko greets him with a slight, but genuine, smile.

"Is there something you needed me to do?" He asks.

"No, not at all. I just wanted to see you. Is that so wrong?" She replies, her eyes softening.

"You can take off your mask when you're with me, just close to door so nobody sees." She says just as he's about to leave.

Doing as she suggests, he closes to door, takes a seat next to her and takes off his mask.

"You look more mature than you did a year ago." Ruriko comments.

And indeed he does look more mature, with most of the roundness of his cheeks gone. He also sports a thicker, more muscular neck than he did a year prior.

To her it's difficult to believe that only a year had gone by.

"You have become a handsome man." She says.

Suddenly it's as if she realises what she says because she looks away to avoid his gaze.

"I don't know about the handsome part. But I've definitely changed. And I have you and Hayato to thank for that." He responds.

"And yet?" Ruriko asks, noticing that he is hiding sadness behind his smile.

"I still pray that I can find my friends and go home." He responds, feeling guilty.

"Is there anybody special waiting for you back on Earth?"

"My mother is still there. While the cops have likely given up on finding me, I know she hasn't." Hunter replies to her question.

"What is your mother like?"

"That's a difficult question to answer. She's kind and strict, but she's also a lot of fun. That's how I see her. But that's because she's my mother. If I look past that I also see sadness and regret." He explains.

Fursekai: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now