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In the light of dawn only the feint chirping of small birds can be heard.

But, their song is soon interrupted by the rhythmic footfalls of a group of horses.

Sure enough, just then a group of slightly more than a dozen horses rides into the courtyard of Ruriko's home. But, no reaction can be seen from the home or it's now missing inhabitants.

"I should've known you would turn on me you ungrateful wench." The man riding the lead horse says, his eyes darting to the buildings around him.

He is a large hog of a man. In fact the very act of breathing causes his rinkled cheeks to ripple like water.

Suddenly, a figure steps out from the shadows. It's Maria, once again in her assassin attire.

"Did you bring her?" She asks the man.

The man clicks his tongue in reply before making a hand gesture.

Then another man, a scarred lion, moves his horse forward. The horse just behind his has a tied up human girl riding it.

"Elaine." Maria says, causing the scared girl to turn her attention to Maria. It is clear in her eyes that she is pleading for help.

"I brought what you want, now where is what I want?" The hog asks Maria.

For a moment Maria disappears back into the shadows before reappearing with a tide up Yui.

"The older woman?" The hog asks.

"You'll get her once Elaine is half way to me." Maria says.

"Hahaha. Okay. But know this, I have archers at the ready to end her. Oh, and that sweet young thing has to meet your sister half way as well. To ensure a successful transaction as I'm sure you no doubt understand." The hog replies.

Maria nods in reply.

The lion them forces Elaine off of her horse and towards Maria. At the same time Yui starts walking in the hog's direction.

Once the two reach the middle point the hog orders them to stop.

"Now, the woman." He says, glaring at Maria.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke forms around Elaine and Yui. At the same time a volley of arrows fly's up into the sky towards the hog.

He is able to jump off of his horse and use it as cover before the arrows hit. Not all of his men are as lucky though.

Once he and his men have rallied the smoke has practically vanished, and the three girls along with it.

"You think I will let you escape? I am Baron Eudoros! I will hunt you down and kill you!" The hog shouts into the air.

"We know." Maria says from the shadow where she seemingly materialized out of thin air.

Next to her is Hunter, Ruriko and a handful of guards. Everyone is armed with a katana.

"Archers! Fire on them!" Eudoros shouts, but nothing happens.

"Did you forget who's land this is hog? Your archers did not even reach their destinations." Ruriko spits. It's obvious that she has a personal grudge against this man.

"Lady Ruriko. It seems you are still mad at me over that misunderstanding." Eudoros repli.

"Misunderstanding? You kidnapped, raped and murdered six of my servant girls. None of whom were older than sixteen." Ruriko says, her voice so calm she seems possessed.

"It's their fault. No girl that age has a right to have such fine tits." Eudoros replies before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

"You die today." Ruriko says.

Fursekai: Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now