Chapter Thirteen: Following him.

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[N/A: We're back baby! >:3]

Katsuki groaned as he held two bags in his arms, he still had around two more blocks to walk until he got back to Camie and Inasa's apartment. He had decided it was about the right time to go shopping for the house since basically four people lived there now. He made sure to grab a bunch of ingredients so he could cook for everyone since he's getting tired of takeout and junk food.

He thought he was going a good job balancing everything as he walked until someone bumped into him. He tried his best not to drop both bags as he caught himself. "I apologize! Oh Bakugou!" He looked over and saw his friends. "Uraraka! Iida? It's good to see you two!" He set his bags down to give her a hug, being mindful of her stomach. "How's the baby doing?" Uraraka returned the hug and smiled widely as he baby got brought up. "They're doing fantastic! Only kicked my bladder seven times today!" Katsuki couldn't help but laugh, "that's good. And Iida? I would have thought you were at work today?"

"Ah, yes. I'm taking a few weeks off for Ochako and the baby. She's due any week now and I wouldn't miss the birth of our...daughter?" Iida eyed Uraraka's face to see if he got it right but looked away when she gave him a sly smile. "...or son for the world."

Katsuki smiled. He remembered back when he first met them. He had met Iida through Midoriya and Kirishima. He had been standing with them when Katsuki came into the agency to deliver the bento that the other had forgotten to grab before leaving.


Katsuki signed his hand at the front desk before going to the elevator. There were only a few people inside, he could recognize a few as sidekicks and lesser known heroes that he had only known about with Midoriya rambling to him about them. He listened to the small talk they had as they rode the elevator up. They all started to file out as they passed floors until there were only two people including him inside. Katsuki glazed over at the man and saw he had a strong resemblance to All Might. But that hero was way taller and buffer then this man.

"You know it's rude to stare, yes?" He jumped a bit before bowing apologetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare, you just remind me of someone." The expression on the older man's face was hard and dismissive towards him. He must have made the other uncomfortable. "I do, do I? What is your name, young man? I haven't seen you around here before." "I'm Bakugou Katsuki, I came to drop something off for Midoriya Izuki."

Katsuki could see a small sign of realization on the other's face before it changed to something he didn't really understand. "Ah, young Midoriya mentioned you before. Though I don't understand why you brought it up here yourself, you could have left it at the front desk."

Katsuki felt a bit uncomfortable now, who was this man?

"Well maybe I just wanted to see my boyfriend. That's not against the law, is it?" Okay maybe he shouldn't be mean to this old guy but he can't help but feel threatened by them. It's...unsettling.

The elevator stopped after what felt like forever and Katsuki exited it. "Don't go distracting the number one prohero, young Bakugou. We don't need him slacking on the job." Before Katsuki could even say anything, the doors closed and the elevator went up. Katsuki's grip on the bento tightened a bit, he wasn't distracting him. He was helping him like a good boyfriend should. He looked around and quickly spotted his boyfriend talking to two other pro heroes. He recognised them both quickly. Number three pro hero Red Riot and number two pro hero Ingenium.

He walked over to them and was spotted by Kirishima first. "Hey Bakubro!" The other two followed his eyes and he was quickly hugged by his boyfriend. "Kacchan! I'm surprised to see you here!" "A good surprise I hope." "The best." When they finally pulled away Katsuki handed Izuku the bento. "You forgot to grab it on your way out this morning." The other offered a shy smile before taking the bento.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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