chapter 4

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" Tommy, I wonder what we should do for Mr. Munroe's birthday?" I asked Tommy at school.
" well, maybe we could make him a cake, I could come over after school?" Tommy suggested.
   I loved the idea of making a cake. After school, my father let Tommy come over because he knew Tommy was a good kid. We made butter cream cake while my father and two brothers decided to watch football. The cake cooked for 15 minutes, and after frosting it,we wrote happy birthday on the top.
" oh shoot!" Tommy said, as my father and brothers turned around at the same time. Everyone turned around. "I have a rugby tournament tommorow!"
" so?" Cory asked in a rude mannor.
" well, the whole team is expected to come, and its for two days, so that means I can't come with Shirley to my uncles place to deliver the cake." Snapped Tommy.
I agreed to deliver the cake to Mr.Monroe's cabin. The walk threw the woods got less creepy as I got use to it, but it wasn't the same without Tommy.
Before school, the radio was on. 1 girl was found dead, and 1 other girl was missing. Mr. Tunk, the math teacher, was the suspect in my book because he wasn't even here today, and sometimes I caught him kissing a girl in grade 11. I noticed some of my tormenters were crying. I asked what the matter was, and a boy turned around. It was Tennisha's boyfriend.
" God dammit Shirley, don't you ever watch the news?!" He screamed with tears dripping down his red face. " Tennisha was found.....dead!" He was so choked up, he ran to the bathroom, crying.
I watched the 9 o'clock news, and the killer of Tennisha Banks was said to have been the same killer of many other girls in the area because of the signature carved into each girls hand. B.m. My father came into the living room, and turned off the television.
" you should go to bed." He yawned. He followed me to my room, and tucked me in. Mother use to tuck me in before she.. I dosed off, but before I went in a deep sleep, my father kissed my cheek and turned my lamp off.
Tommy's uncle couldn't drive him to his next tournament, so my father and brothers went to pick him up. I was alone, so Hunter and I watched a movie together. He and I watched a movie called Roman holiday, staring Audrey Hepburn. When the movie ended, Hunter and I made out. That's when something dreadful happened. Suddenly, Hunter was thrown out of my arms, and then came a scream.
" what is wrong with you?! How many times must I tell you stop acting up?!" My father said,as he kicked Hunter out the door. " you're a disgrace, I wish you weren't my daughter! Get out of my sight!" My father was at rage.
I went to my room and surprisingly, I wasn't sad... I was angry.

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