chapter 7

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A year passed, and I gave birth to a little girl, Felix. I hated bring such a pure soul into a world of crime. Being pregnant, I didn't nearly gain 30 pounds! Bob refused to give me stuff for my cravings, he actual hated his son for getting drunk, and " violated" me as Bob put it. I didn't go to a hospital to have Felix, instead, Bob hired a person he knew to deliver my baby.

After having the baby, I was forced to lose a couple pounds, not even a day after having Felix. I sort of adapted to my situation, and didn't argue with Bob.

It was night time, and I was about to put Felix to bed. Hunter came in my room, unannounced.

" I want you back, Shirley! I love you!" Hunter cried. He wasn't drunk when he spoke to me, but he didn't look in the right state of mind.

" Hunter, you're a criminal, you got me pregnant, worst of all,you tricked me. You tricked me to loving you." I turned away to hide the tear running down my face. " why don't you just run away! While you still can, maybe turn yourself in! The police will give you a smaller sentence! " I weeped.

Hunter slicked back his long black hair then wiped my tears.He held my hand to his chest. " Shirley, if my dad ever found out, he'd kill me! I just thought me and you could give love a chance again."  Hunter dropped my hand. Bob had just walked in.

" So, son, what do you think? Is she ripened enough?" Bob said, looking me up and down.

Hunter was mad I refused his love, but answered Bob's question. " I think so, daddio!" He never sounded that way before.

Silvia was a new addition to the gang. She too was kidnapped. She had black, long hair, blue eyes, and wore a similar dress like me. Bob ordered us to be ready by noon, and got us to do each others make up. I wasn't really sure what we were getting ready for, but as soon as Bob and Hunter left the room, silvia talked to me.

" I'm not new here. There are many other rooms in this mansion. You just haven't looked." Silvia said, doing my hair into a tight bun.

" This is a mansion? I thought it was a cabin?" I inquired to Silvia.

" well, its a mansion, I guess he probably drugged you at the cabin, and brought you here. I suppose because, that's how I got here. I was out of my room, trying to escape, and I saw the whole house until Bob found me!" Silvia said as she did my hair.

" why are we here?" I asked.

" I over heard them say we were gonna be at an auction? I don't know what the fuck he wants us to do at an auction, but I think were the idems up for bid!" Silvia ranted on.

I couldn't image being sold to someone! Me and Silvia were people! Not objects! We were probably gonna be sold to some drug lord, or some sex feen! I couldn't bare the thought of being sold!

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