chapter 9

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When we got to Dublin, we arrived at the airport. We then, went to the bus station. After hours of nonstop traveling, we went on

the bus, and got to our destination; Cork.

Pepé lied to us! Where he lived was nothing like a farm. Pepé lived in a little house as pink as pepto Bismo! The houses

surrounding were similar in structure, they were all close together.

"My little humble abode might be a bit...small, but it is cozy!" Pepé said proudly. Slivia and I looked at each other, and I knew she

was thinking the same thing! This man has to be off his rocker!

Since Freddie was my cat, I thought of him as family. One night, pepé let him outside( he was an outdoor cat). I was mad at pepé,

Cork was a big place, with lots of people. He was my only friend for so long, and he was probably gone.

" How could you let Freddie out?! He was the only person who listened to me!" I felt a little silly, yelling about a cat, but he was

Just as much of my family as Felix was.

" Oh Shelby," pepé begun.

" My name is Shirley!!!" I corrected him.

" I'm too drunk to care, Shhhhhhaniah." He said, holding a bottle of gin in his hand. " Freddie will come back, now is this a cat

or a singer?"

" It's a cat." I moaped, giving pepé a gloomy look.

I walked away from a drunken pepé. I met Silvia on the porch.

" Maybe your cat drowned." Silvia teased.

It was a possible theory, Cork was surrounded by water. Freddie was smarter than that, he didn't drown.

Silvia sat on the porch swing. In her arms laid Felix, sleeping soundly.

Maybe I am over reacting, Freddie is just a cat! Who am I kidding? I love that fucking animal!

At that moment, Freddie ran out of no where, like a bat out of hell!

" Freddie!" I shouted.

Freddie was finally home.

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