chapter 14

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"Move out?" I asked.

Silvia nodded. " Look, Hunter and I have known each other longer than you have. You don't realize how long I was trapped at Bob's. Hunter only wanted you, to get to me!" The more silvia talked, the more closer I wanted to smack her.

"So, when are you moving?" I held back my tears.

" As soon as we can." Hunter said.

" Let me get this straight, you are moving in together because of the fact that you guys have known each other longer, and you had a kid together? Who's father do you think Felix has? And what happened to that speach about you loving me?" I clarified.

" I love Felix with all my heart, but it all comes down to who I've let down more, and that's silly!" He nudged silvia.

" I got a new, higher paying job, and let's face it, two girls living in a house together? What are we a sorority?" Silvia added.

" you know what? I'm not gonna sit here with you guys, talking about this! Why are we even debating this? I'm not your mom! Go, move out!" I cried.

Silvia, Hunter and I argued the whole night! I didn't know who was winning, but we were all yelling so loud, Felix and Carter woke up. A few times, dishes seemed to accidentally slip put of my hand, and hit Silvia in the face( I threw them).

The yelling almost seemed to stop at 6 o'clock in the morning.

" was she good?" I asked hunter an unspecified question.

" what?" Hunter crossed his arms.

" oh, come on, you and silvia must of had a few good times! If you know what I mean!"

" I can't even look at you, Shirley!" Hunter shouted.

" The feeling is mutual, my dear boy!" I screamed.

Silvia was on the couch, sitting with an ice pack on her head( probably from the dishes). She was mad.

" look what's happening to us!" Silvia roared. We're taring apart!" Silvia spoke up. " Are we really going to jeopardize our friendship for some guy? I mean, so what if he chose me?" Silvia made the fight extend.

" We aren't friends. We never were. I guess if we weren't kidnapped by the same guy, I would have known you." I calmed down a bit, for my voice was on the verge of dying.

" So what you're saying is that you were saddled with me? We were never friends? Silvia analyzed. " So answer me this, why did you want be to move in with you?" Silvia put up a fight just as good as I could.

" I sympathized you! I thought if we moved in together, you wouldn't end up back to where you came from! Where was that? New Jersey! You guy stealing, soul sucking hag!" I thundered.

Silva's wrist watch beeped. " Time for me to go to work." Silvia stated. " Unlike you Shirley, I have a job." Just then, she grabbed Hunter's head, and smooched the life out of Hunter.

" Hey Hunter, you got a little slut on your face!" I laughed.

Silvia and Hunter walked out the door. I cried angry tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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